Worrying explosion in hospitalizations for suicide and self-harm among young women

Worrying explosion in hospitalizations for suicide and self-harm among young women
Worrying explosion in hospitalizations for suicide and self-harm among young women

The Department of Research, Studies, Evaluation and Statistics (Drees) and Public Health France published a report this Thursday, May 16 highlighting a worrying increase in hospitalizations for attempted suicide or self-mutilation among adolescents and young women. What could be the causes of this alarming increase?


  • Alarming report on the increase in hospitalizations of adolescents and young women for suicide attempts or self-harm.
  • In 2022, nearly 85,000 people will be hospitalized for self-inflicted acts, 64% being young girls or women.
  • The increase in hospitalizations was interrupted in 2020, but started again in 2021 after the Covid-19 crisis.
  • Hospitalizations for suicide attempts or self-harm are declining among older adults and young men.

An alarming increase in hospitalizations among adolescents and young women

A recent report from the Department of Research, Studies, Evaluation and Statistics (Drees) and Public Health France reveals a worrying increase in the number of hospitalizations of adolescent girls and young women for suicide attempts or self-mutilation.

A decline in mental health

The mental health of young women has seen a worrying decline. In 2022, almost 85,000 people have been hospitalized at least once for self-inflicted acts, and 64% of them were young girls or women.

The role of the Covid crisis

The progression of hospitalizations began before the Covid-19 pandemic, was interrupted in 2020, but resumed more markedly in 2021. In 2022, the levels stabilized compared to 2021 among 10-14 year olds and continued to increase among 15-24 year olds.

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A less marked phenomenon among men

Unlike girls and young women, hospitalizations for suicide attempts or self-harm have declined continuously since 2010 among older adults and have remained stable among young men.

Editorial opinion

These figures are alarming and show a real urgency to act for the mental health of young women. The Covid-19 crisis has undoubtedly exacerbated existing problems, but it is crucial to understand the root causes of this distress. It is a societal issue that deserves attention and adequate resources to ensure the well-being of our young people.



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