The PETR Vidourle Camargue organizes the Entrepreneurship Day in Vidourle Camargue

On the occasion of the Joli Mois de l’Europe 2024, the PETR Vidourle Camargue is organizing the Entrepreneurship Day in Vidourle Camargue, on Thursday May 30 at the cooperative cellar la route d’Héraclès (695 route du Grau du Roi in Codognan).

The objective of this day, dedicated to entrepreneurs and future entrepreneurs, is to provide, in a minimum of time, as much personalized advice as possible by local structures specializing in business support, information on financial aid and testimonials from local businesses.

Friendly times such as the organized visit to the cooperative cellar, the projection of videos on the vineyard or the buffet will allow participants to create new professional contacts and will contribute to the sharing of experiences with business managers already established in Vidourle Camargue.

Here is the program in detail:

Morning (10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.) :

-Presentation of financial aid to businesses
-Testimonials from business leaders who have benefited from aid
-Visit of the Héraclès cellar (1st organic cooperative cellar in France)

Lunch (from 12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.) :
Buffet with members of the Vidourle Camargue Entrepreneurs Club and beneficiaries of LEADER and FEAMPA aid
Projection of videos on the vineyard “Héraclès 4.0 web series”

In the afternoon (2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.) :
-Individualized speed meetings: each entrepreneur (or future entrepreneur) will meet local structures specializing in supporting businesses to present their project to them. Each appointment will last on average 15 minutes.

Does this event interest you ? Register for free for the full day or à la carte according to your availability by clicking on the following link:

Registration Doing business with Europe in Vidourle Camargue Registrations are open until Sunday May 19, 2024.



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