tensions before and after the murder

tensions before and after the murder
tensions before and after the murder


Ludivine Laniepce

Published on

Oct. 14 2024 at 7:08 am

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A few days ago, the gendarmerie launched a call for witnesses for the investigation needs on the murder of Kylian Binard, a high school student from Saint-Lô (Manche) aged 17, the Sunday September 29, 2024 in Subles (Calvados), near Bayeux.

On Saturday evening, this member of the Saint-Lois Boxing Club had spent the evening at the discothèque Octavia.

In the parking lot, at closing timea fight had broken out. Kylian Binard had succumbed to several stab wounds. A 24-year-old man, suspected of being the perpetrator, was indicted for murder.

“Kylian was in the fray”

Charlie Madeleine, the manager of Octavia, says he watched the cameras of his establishment hundreds of times to try to understand the course of events.

According to him, the evening was “classic”, even “calm for a Saturday evening”. At 6:40 a.m., the latest customers leave the disco. “Kylian is dating a group of friends and he is already starting to worry on his own,” says the boss on CNEWS.

He describes “a little mess”, “a little mess”, without being “a big fight” at this stage between two groups.

“No more pushing,” he continues. All my security service was there to separate them. From there, Kylian is gone, he sneaks upstairs into the parking lot with some friends. There, unfortunately, there was the shuttle for customers. Behind the parking lot, there was another fight and we see Kylian falling at the end of the bus. »

According to our information, it all started from an accidentally spilled drink inside the nightclub.

Charlie Madeleine, still on CNEWS, recalls that quarrels have always existed in nightclubs.

We welcome hundreds of customers who don’t know each other, we sell alcohol, and that doesn’t necessarily make us intelligent… What’s sad is that some are forced to defend themselves with knives. But the knife [du suspect interpellé, NDLR] was not in the disco. He went to pick him up in his car. […] Kylian was in the fray, in the fight.

Charlie Madeleine, manager of Octavia, on CNEWS

The brawl “started in the establishment”

In the aftermath of the tragedythe manager of Octavia had announced to close his establishment for a certain time by choice and out of respect for the family de Kylian Binard.

On October 4, the Prefecture of Calvados issued an order to fermeture administrative temporary of Octavia for a month.

In his orderthe prefect provides information on how the evening unfolded, but also on what happened afterwards.

It is thus written that the brawl, “very violent”“started in the establishment” and “continued in the parking lot”.

“Facts, still according to the prefect, which attest to a lack of control by the manager and its employees the general security of the establishment and the management of situations of tension and violence”.

Relief “threatened”

The prefecture continues by describing the difficulties encountered par law enforcement et help.

THE firefighters and the FIND intervened in a “difficult context” and were “ threatened on the scene by different protagonists.

As for the gendarmes : “The manager and certain employees had difficulty cooperating with the police during their intervention and since. »

They also noted “the presence of many alcoholic minors “, “very certainly constitutive of a breach of regulations of the drinking establishments and to the protection minors”.

Minors: what the law says

The law is clear: it is prohibited from selling alcohol to minors under 18 years old (under penalty of fine of €7,500 and a prohibition to use the license for one year), and it is forbidden to let a young person under the age of 16 enter not accompanied by an adult(the presentation of proof of majority of the customer must be required).

In the case of Kylian Binard, who was 17 years old, he was authorized to enter the establishment without an escort, but no alcoholic beverage could legally be served to him.

Finally, the prefecture emphasizes that “the gendarmerie checked on the very day of the murder individuals close to the main protagonists, originally from Saint-Lô and , who had come there to engage in retaliation ».

Charlie Madeleine, who would not have made any observations on this “context of seriousness and urgency”, would however have hired a lawyeraccording to The Free Channelpour“defend one’s interests”.

Octavia to Subles, Ocso to Baudre

Octavia is described as a “country” nightclub surrounded by houses a stone’s throw from Bayeux. Taken over in fall 2019 by Charlie Madeleine, it organizes theme evenings, invites personalities and offers free shuttles. When it opened, Octavia welcomed several hundred customers each evening and targeted people aged 25 and over. But a few weeks after its debut, Octavia was forced to close for more than a year due to Covid. In July 2021, Charlie Madeleine acquired a former garden center in Saint-Loup-Hors, a neighboring town of Subles, to move the Octavia there. An asset in terms of “security, visibility and size”, he explains to our colleagues at La Renaissance – Le Bessin. In April 2024, it will expand into Manche by taking over the premises of the former Milton, in Baudre, south of Saint-Lô. Despite opposition from local residents, Ocso, Octavia’s counterpart, opened in July. As for Octavia, her move to Saint-Loup-Hors, postponed several times, was planned for 2025, according to the latest news.

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