Courlay. An ever more diverse exhibition

Courlay. An ever more diverse exhibition
Courlay. An ever more diverse exhibition

Mmes Diguet and Verdon, organizers, were all smiles at the end of this exhibition weekend, October 5 and 6. Just like Mayor Mr. Guillermic: For several years, this event has allowed us to highlight a few artists at the beginning, and now no less than 40, often anonymous but no less talented. The presence of around ten workshops allowed you to interact with exhibitors while discovering their know-how. Thank you all, exhibitors and visitors and see you next year.

Appoline, a 15-year-old exhibitor

This year again, new exhibitors were present. Among them a very young artist, Appoline Fruchet, 15 years old, whose creations inspired by Harry Potter have caught the attention of the public, of course young people in the first place: During confinement, the evenings were boring, I started by drawing. Little by little, I started making figurines and then more and more complex things with recycled materials. It calms me down and allows me to escape. Maybe I’ll make it my job, as an interior designer. she explained.

The palmarès

The “favorite” system had been relaunched in five categories. Children’s favorites: Nathalie Guillet (painting), Marie- Clochard (bead painting), Appoline Fruchet (sculpture), Michel Fradin (photo), Saint-Rémi school (children’s work). Adult favors: Jacques Loppinet (painting), Appoline Fruchet (cardboard), Claude Lahaye (sculpture), Viviane Gobin (photo), CE2 Pérochon school (children’s work).



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