Richard Fournaux wins the municipal election in Dinant hands down

Richard Fournaux wins the municipal election in Dinant hands down
Richard Fournaux wins the municipal election in Dinant hands down

By joining forces on the very evening of the 2018 election, all the groups opposed to Richard Fournaux caused the latter to lose the mayorship he had held for 24 years. With his 1937 votes, Axel Tixhon was the new mayor of Dinant.

A change that many Dinant residents hoped for… but that some may also have regretted? Indeed, the legislature that has just ended was not at all a smooth ride and the majority very quickly shattered: resignation of Axel Tixhon in September 2021, replaced by Thierry Bodlet; resignation of socialist alderman Laurent Belot; the forced adoption of the new parking plan after five failures before the municipal council without forgetting the numerous heated and sterile exchanges that occurred during several municipal councils which sometimes gave the impression of a playground.

Enough to strengthen the ghost Richard Fournaux, after 6 years of exile in the Province of Namur? The latter affirmed in any case, a few weeks ago, that he would favor Dinant over the Region, where he was elected deputy last June, if the voters sent him a clear message this Sunday.

Absolute majority very comfortable

With 60.9% of the votes after the first polling station, it is difficult to be much clearer. This score was 56.9% after the second office was stripped. This trend was confirmed throughout the stripped-down offices. This Sunday, shortly before 9:00 p.m., confirmation of these results officially came. His Ambition list received 56.17% of the votes and obtained 15/23 seats. A very comfortable majority which will make it possible to do without an alliance with another group. Behind, we find Dinamic by Omer Laloux with 24.6% (6 seats), Avenir by Thierry Bodlet (13.3% – 2 seats) and Pour VouS by Linda Culot (6%).

In terms of preferred votes, there is no photo since Richard Fournaux collects 3415 votes. Far ahead of all its competitors. “It’s a very comfortable majority. With 15 seats out of 23, there is no need to ally with another group. I felt that the atmosphere was clearly more positive than in 2018 but I don’t did not expect such a score, whether for our list or on a personal level. The City of Dinant is not only managed around the municipal council table, but also in other places of significant power. to come, from December 2, all candidates will have a role to play in the management of the City and its villages”, he declared.

For outgoing mayor Thierry Bodlet, these first results are disappointing. “Yes, it’s a failure. Even if there are only 2 offices out of 5, Ambition’s victory seems quite clear. It’s a disappointment for us because we invested a lot. But it’s the choice of the voter.”



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