The 2024 Ta Quang Buu Prizes crown two scientists

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh (1st, right) and Minister of Science and Technology Huynh Thành Dat (1st, left) present the 2024 Ta Quang Buu Prizes to Doctor Nguyên Thi Kim Thanh and Associate Professor-Doctor Trân Manh Tri. Photo: VNA

Hanoi (VNA) – Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh presented the 2024 Ta Quang Buu Prizes to two scientists in recognition of their studies in physics and environment, during a ceremony held on Wednesday (May 15).

The winners are Doctor Nguyên Thi Kim Thanh from the Institute of Physics of the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, and Associate Professor-Doctor Trân Manh Tri from the University of Science of the Vietnam National University, Hanoi.

Dr. Nguyên Thi Kim Thanh is the author of a research article published in Physical Review Letters, one of the three leading physics journals in the world. The research showed groundbreaking discoveries important for the development of quantum computing technology.

She is to date the fourth female scientist to receive the Ta Quang Buu awards.

Associate Professor-Doctor Trân Manh Tri is the author of three works published in leading scientific journals in the fields of environmental engineering, toxicology, health and genetic mutation, thus contributing to solving the pressing global problem of environmental pollution caused by the spread of synthetic chemicals.

This year, the noble prizes, named after famous scientist Professor Ta Quang Buu (1910-1986), were awarded on the occasion of Vietnam Science and Technology Day (May 18) and the 65th anniversary of the foundation of the Ministry of Science and Technology. (MST).

Since its launch in 2014, these awards aim to encourage and honor scientists with remarkable achievements in natural and engineering science research, thereby helping to promote the integration and development of Vietnamese science and technology.

In 2023, the MST published a circular expanding the Ta Quang Buu Prizes to the social sciences and humanities.

During this 10th edition, 97 applications were submitted, double the number recorded in previous years, including 76 in the field of natural and technical sciences and 21 in that of social and human sciences, 71 nominations for the prize main and 26 for young scientists.

So far, the MST has awarded the prizes to 18 scientists who have carried out outstanding scientific research and four young people. – VNA



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