Arreau. Women’s Health Day at the Terminus

Arreau. Women’s Health Day at the Terminus
Arreau. Women’s Health Day at the Terminus

Thursday October 10, as part of “Pink October”, the Terminus room hosts the women’s health day organized by the CPTS Nestes – Pyrénées (Territorial Professional Health Community), La Maison de Santé d’Arreau, the CPAM and the General Council.

From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., doctors, physiotherapists, nurses, psychologist and sexologist offer conferences, consultations and will lead workshops: physical activity and cancer, diet and risk prevention, hormonal cycle, cardiovascular prevention, pre and menopause, breast cancer prevention, self-examination, stress management, sexuality after cancer. A whole program open to all and free.

The “Camion Prévent’Timm” (Mobile Medical Tele Imaging truck) will also be present to perform mammograms for eligible people by appointment.

Breast cancer remains the most common among women. Treatments are less burdensome and more favorable when it is detected early: prevention and early detection remain the best allies in the fight against the disease. If October is the month dedicated to awareness and the fight against breast cancer, screening and the fight continue all year round.



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