50 Shades of the Far Right: Marion Maréchal creates her own party

50 Shades of the Far Right: Marion Maréchal creates her own party
50 Shades of the Far Right: Marion Maréchal creates her own party

Marion Maréchal, Marine Le Pen’s niece, announced at the start of the week the creation of a new party that she intends to lead: Idabilité-Libertés (IDL). A movement that she wants to be “anti-woke”, “anti-welfare” and “anti-tax racketeering”, as she detailed in the columns of Le Figaro.

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Nothing new under the sun: Marion Maréchal unrolls the usual elements of language from the extreme right, which we also hear from Reconquête (Eric Zemmour’s party), from the Union of Rights for the Republic ( the party of Eric Ciotti), Debout la (the party of Nicolas Dupont-Aignan), the Movement for France (the royalist party of Philippe Devilliers) and of course the RN.

At least six far-right parties in France, that’s a lot. Probably a little too much. It is difficult to grasp the specificities of each movement, as they serve the same stale trumpet of their nauseating ideas to anyone who wants to listen. It’s “fifty shades of the extreme right,” quips a BFM TV columnist. Well seen.

Will these parties be able to join forces at the right time? Unlikely. In the seething magma of the French far right, no one gets along with anyone. After a long ice age, Marine Le Pen and Marion Maréchal now tolerate each other, nothing more. Between Zemmour and Jean-Marie Le Pen’s granddaughter, it’s downright war. As for Ciotti, he has the word “traitor” plastered on his forehead. Dupont-Aignan and Philippe Devilliers? They don’t represent much except themselves.

This announcement from Marion Maréchal comes right at the time when the RN must face a historic trial for embezzlement of European funds, which could well earn Marine Le Pen a sentence of ineligibility. Coincidence of the calendar? If by chance Marine Le Pen cannot embody the far right during the 2027 presidential election, someone will have to take the place. From Bardella to Maréchal via Ciotti, we are already elbowing each other. Always be one step ahead… We heard Marion Maréchal swear to God that she wants to be useful to Marine Le Pen and that she “is not overflowing with ambition”, she who is just trying to carry out a project innovative. But as Tayllerand said, “in politics, to innovate is always to betray”. And Marion Maréchal has expertise in this area.



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