Attempted murder in Thetford Mines

Attempted murder in Thetford Mines
Attempted murder in Thetford Mines

The armed attack occurred around 11:30 p.m. on Saint-Alphonse Street, in Thetford Mines, indicates Élisabeth Marquis-Guy, spokesperson for the Sûreté du Québec.

A man in his 30s was shot behind an apartment building. According to our information, he suffered at least three injuries to the abdomen and arm. A few bullet holes were reportedly visible on the exterior of the building when authorities arrived.


The armed attack occurred at the rear of the apartment building. (Special collaboration, Steve Jolicoeur)

“A man in his thirties was transported to the hospital for serious injuries allegedly inflicted on him by projectiles,” says Ms. Marquis-Guy. However, the authorities do not fear for his life.

The man was still conscious when he was taken to hospital, according to information from the Sun.

Attempted murder

No one has been arrested so far. Investigators from the Major Crimes Investigation Division have opened an investigation to clarify the causes and circumstances of this attempted murder.

A large security perimeter was erected on site. The forensic identification service will go to the scene to analyze the scene.

The Sûreté du Québec is unable to comment on a possible link with organized crime.



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