you are as smart as Light Yagami if you get 5/5 on this anime quiz

Published on
May 7, 2024

2:00 p.m.
By Maxence Grosvalet

Did you love the psychological fight between Light Yagami and L? So, prove that you’re as smart as the holder of the Death Note by doing our anime quiz flawlessly! Are you ready to take on the challenge? Let’s go.

What nickname is given to people who hold a Death Note?

©Tsugumi Ohba, Takeshi Obata/Shueisha ©DNDP,VAP, Shueisha,Madhouse

Death Note holders are called Kira. This nickname comes from the English “Killer” and refers to the fact that with the notebook, the Kira are capable of killing people from a distance.

Who was the first person killed by Light Yagami with the Death Note?

©Tsugumi Ohba, Takeshi Obata/Shueisha ©DNDP,VAP, Shueisha,Madhouse

The first person killed by Light Yagami was Kuro Otoharada. He is an assassin who killed and took several people hostage. Light eliminated him in order to check if the Death Note actually worked.

What is L’s real name (first name + last name)?

©Tsugumi Ohba, Takeshi Obata/Shueisha ©DNDP,VAP, Shueisha,Madhouse

©Tsugumi Ohba, Takeshi Obata/Shueisha ©DNDP,VAP, Shueisha,Madhouse

L’s real name is L Lawliet.

How did Misa die?

©Tsugumi Ohba, Takeshi Obata/Shueisha ©DNDP,VAP, Shueisha,Madhouse

©Tsugumi Ohba, Takeshi Obata/Shueisha ©DNDP,VAP, Shueisha,Madhouse

Madly in love with Light Yagami, Misa committed suicide after learning of the death of her beloved.

What is Ryuk’s favorite food?

©Tsugumi Ohba, Takeshi Obata/Shueisha ©DNDP,VAP, Shueisha,Madhouse

©Tsugumi Ohba, Takeshi Obata/Shueisha ©DNDP,VAP, Shueisha,Madhouse

Ryuk loves to eat apples.

Amazing !

You got a score of [[ score ]]/[[ questions ]]Amazing !

Wow! This quiz was much too simple for you given your knowledge of anime Death Note. By getting this perfect score, you showed everyone that you were as intelligent as Light Yagami or even more so.


You got a score of [[ score ]]/[[ questions ]]Impressive

You may not be as smart as Light Yagami, but you managed to get a more than respectable score on our anime quiz. All you need is a little review and we’re sure you’ll get a perfect score!


You got a score of [[ score ]]/[[ questions ]]Oops

One thing is certain, with such a score, you are clearly not as intelligent as the famous Light Yagami. If you tried to stop him, your name would undoubtedly have ended up in his notebook. Go watch the anime again to get a better score next time.

Maxence Grosvalet

Anime, manga, video games journalist

Contact Maxence


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