An explosion of colors at the André-Mounié gallery

An explosion of colors at the André-Mounié gallery
An explosion of colors at the André-Mounié gallery

The André-Mounié citizen gallery is hosting an exhibition bringing together the works of the painter Marcel Fabre and those of the sculptor Patricia Riba.

Marcel Fabre is not unknown in the region. After being vice-president of the Béziers Popular Art movement for a decade, he left his mark on the local artistic scene with his mastery of bright and shimmering colors, which became his signature. His paintings never leave you indifferent, whether abstract landscapes, vibrant portraits or more figurative compositions, each work is a true festival for the eyes.

At his side, Patricia Riba, sculptor, offers a completely different journey. His sculptures explore the relationships between form and material, playing on textures and volumes. Each piece, crafted with precision, is unique and invites contemplation. The exhibition, visible until October 12offers art lovers a double sensory experience: that of the colorful bursts of Fabre and the striking curves of Riba. An event not to be missed for all those who wish to immerse themselves in two artistic worlds as rich as they are contrasting.

The doors of the André-Mounié citizen gallery are open every day from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. until October 12. FREE ENTRANCE.

Correspondent Midi Libre: 07 60 81 20 60



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