Deployment of the Or Bleu plan with the Department – ​​South Region

Deployment of the Or Bleu plan with the Department – ​​South Region
Deployment of the Or Bleu plan with the Var Department – ​​South Region

Faced with drought phenomena, the Southern Region, the Société du Canal de Provence and local stakeholders have the same requirement: preserve, control and develop water resources. In this context, the South Region adopted its Blue Gold Plan in 2023 to preserve the resource and anticipate needs. With this in mind, 620 million euros are being invested until 2038 to secure access to water for all uses in the region.

This Wednesday, October 2, Bénédicte Martin, Renaud Muselier and Jean-Louis Masson were at the Société du Canal de Provence, alongside the Presidents of the Public Intercommunal Cooperation Establishment (EPCI) of , in order to best anticipate the needs of territories in tension identified as part of the Var Water 2050 Plan.

“Alongside the South Region and the Var Department, the SCP is committed, within the framework of the Blue Gold Plan, to preserve the resource and secure access to water in the territories identified through the Var Water 2050 plan in developing multi-use hydraulic developments on the Provence Canal, thus guaranteeing their resilience in the face of climate change.”

Bénédicte Martin
President of the Provence Canal Company
Vice-President of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur Region in charge of agriculture, viticulture, rurality and terroir

“The Southern Region has always been able to adapt to preserve water resources. We drew inspiration from good practices, we succeeded in mobilizing individuals to act at their level, without ever being constrained or giving in to panic. Today, alongside the Var Department and the SCP, we are continuing our efforts to ensure that drought is not inevitable, and to make the Southern region a model in terms of water management! »

Renaud Muselier
President of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur Region
Deputy President of Regions of

“The Department of Var is fully aware of the fundamental issues that water management represents, both for populations, for agricultural activities and even the preservation of the resource itself. On this subject, we attach great importance to working in close collaboration with our partners in the Region and the SCP. It is a guarantee of efficiency. »

Jean-Louis Masson
President of the Var Departmental Council


A player in the ecological transition, the SCP has, for more than 60 years, committed its responsibility, its innovation and its performance to the service of the territories to respond to the challenges of climate change in the areas of water and renewable energies. It takes up the daily challenge of securing food and access to water in territories, thus contributing to their development and economic growth. Its expertise allows it to provide solutions adapted to the problems caused by climate change.
Whether at the scale of the regional concession of the Canal de Provence, in its engineering and service offerings or in the production of renewable energies, SCP meets the needs of its most diverse customers in the region, in France and internationally, with the same standards. It innovates to preserve, control and enhance water resources and support the optimization of its uses.


The Southern Region has made Blue Gold a priority with its Climate Plan “a COP in Advance” and its 100% green budget. Since 2018, it has carried out a mission of coordination and consultation in the field of management and protection of water resources and aquatic environments, alongside the State and the Water Agency. In 2022, the drought episode led to restrictions on water use for residents. In order to improve their readability and understanding, the South Region is implementing concrete measures to raise awareness of good practices and support water savings while helping to reduce withdrawals from natural environments.


Water management and preservation are major concerns for the people of Var, local stakeholders and the Var Department in particular. By launching the Var Water 2050 prospective approach, I wanted to make water a political subject whose issues aim to measure and become aware of the effects of climate change. Together, we must question adaptation solutions and act collectively to limit the vulnerability of territories to lack of water. The Department of Var positioned itself as a federator of territorial meetings, organized at the beginning of summer at SCOT level around water issues. He succeeded in mobilizing all the stakeholders (elected officials, EPCI, technicians, etc.). Proposals have been made which will feed into the Var Water 2050 prospecting approach with a concern for equity and territorial solidarity. The Department is committed to supporting the 66 possible scenarios developed and proposed by the territories. He listens and is the facilitator of these exchanges between territories, communities, tourism stakeholders, farmers, users, the State. Working together is a major and fundamental priority. To do this, the SCP is a major action structure.



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