What will be the next amount of the minimum wage with the announced 2% increase?

What will be the next amount of the minimum wage with the announced 2% increase?
What will be the next amount of the minimum wage with the announced 2% increase?

REVALORIZATION – Tuesday, in his general policy declaration, Prime Minister Michel Barnier announced a 2% increase in the minimum wage “in anticipation” of that of January 1

Tuesday, during his general policy statement before the National Assembly, Prime Minister Michel Barnier announced that his government would “revalue the minimum wage by 2% from November 1, in anticipation of the date of January 1.” Currently at 1,398.70 euros net, how much will it rise after its increase?

With the increase in the minimum wage announced “in anticipation”, the monthly net minimum wage would thus be increased to around 1,426 euros net, or around 27.30 euros more per month. This is the first time that it has gone above the 1,400 euros monthly mark.

The minimum wage, the only salary indexed to inflation

As a reminder, the minimum wage benefits each year from a mechanical increase on January 1 as well as increases during the year as soon as inflation exceeds 2%. It is also the only salary indexed to inflation.

The government can choose to go beyond the automatic increase with a “nudge”, but there has not been one since 2012. In this case, the Prime Minister announced an “anticipation”.

This anticipation includes “November and December, therefore, in principle, there will be no significant revaluation in January unless (…) Read more on 20minutes

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