Gaz’up, the Enerjump Group’s network of biogas stations, the only network offering an offer certified 100% biogas by Bureau Veritas

Gaz’up, the Enerjump Group’s network of biogas stations, the only network offering an offer certified 100% biogas by Bureau Veritas
Gaz’up, the Enerjump Group’s network of biogas stations, the only network offering an offer certified 100% biogas by Bureau Veritas

At the end of 2023, Gaz’up became the only network of public biogas stations for the transport of goods and passengers to obtain an official recognition certificate from Bureau Veritas , an independent certification body, for the 100% renewable origin of its biogas. .

Since 2015, Gaz’up has chosen to make a lasting commitment: for the environment, for citizens, for transporters, for territories…

1 year ago, by choosing to go through the process of independent approval by Bureau Veritas, the Enerjump Group, through its Gaz’up brand, made a strong, concrete and official commitment to guarantee the provenance biogas distributed throughout its network.

This recognition attests that the biogas distributed on our Gaz’up network comes exclusively from French renewable sources, thus ensuring rigorous traceability and a strong act in favor of the environment. It also allows transport companies running on Gaz’up biogas to highlight their contribution to sustainable transport to their own customers, prospects, shippers and also internally to their employees. It is also an additional asset towards the decarbonization of transport which can be integrated into their certification processes (carbon footprint, ISO, CSRD directive, CO2/ADEME objective, CSR, etc.).

Bureau Veritas, a leader in testing, inspections and certification, rigorously certifies the origin of the biogas distributed on the Gaz’up network. This requirement underlines the importance of our biomethane purchases, as well as the scrupulous management of our guarantees of origin. Guarantees of origin are certificates which correspond to a quantity of biomethane produced and injected into the network. Our professional customers thus benefit from 100% guaranteed biogas, actively contributing to the reduction of CO2 emissions compared to diesel.

Today, our biomethane comes from 24 methanization units in France. Methanizer farmers are reliable partners in the ecological transition of transport.

  • Vallee Hazard Biomethane (02)
  • Saconin Biomethane (02)
  • AC Gas (08)
  • Methallia (08)
  • Damigny Energy (14)
  • B2R Biogaz Dunois (18)
  • LGEnergie (18)
  • Voltaire Biogas (27)
  • CGM Bio Energie / Umpeau (28)
  • Beauce Gatinais Biogas (45)
  • CB of Sainte Cécile (50)
  • Methagaz (51)
  • AOC Biometha (51)
  • Methaenergy of the Future (56)
  • Plainval Biomethane (60)
  • Opal Biomethane (62)
  • Asson Bioenergy (64)
  • Methagriloue (72)
  • They (74)
  • Senart Bio Energies (77)
  • SEVESC (78)
  • Y Biomethane (80)
  • Peronne Biogas (80)
  • Agri Vert Biomethane 87 (87)

Some figures

At the beginning of 2024, Enerjump delivered 150 certificates recognition of 100% Gaz’up biogas to its customers for the year 2023.

For the first 8 months of 2024, at Enerjump our teams are already recording a 20% increase actual quantities sold of Bio GNV. A great trend for this first part of the year which illustrates the commitment of carriers to our challenge!

View the rest of the press release



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