The Or du Commun collective is launching a fundraising campaign for its Fresco of energies for entrepreneurship

The Or du Commun collective is launching a fundraising campaign for its Fresco of energies for entrepreneurship
The Or du Commun collective is launching a fundraising campaign for its Fresco of energies for entrepreneurship

Based in Andolsheim, near , where it manages the eponymous third place, the Or du Commun association has just produced a fresco of energies for entrepreneurship (Fée) with the support of twelve candidates aspiring to create their own structure. In order to disseminate this “fresco” – an educational workshop based on a board game – to as many people as possible, the collective has launched a crowdfunding campaign on the platform Okoté with a view to raising 15,000 euros, by the end October, a third of which came from individuals. Especially since the Okoté principle, supported by Active Alsace, makes it possible to automatically generate funds from local authorities and businesses.

With the support of the CeA, the Banque de France and an accounting firm

In the case of La Fée, the European Community of Alsace (CeA) as well as the Colmar branch of the Banque de France and the accounting firm CM Expert (around thirty employees for a turnover of 2, 4 million euros), also located in Colmar, makes it possible to triple the amounts injected by individuals. “This project corresponds to our values”, indicates Sébastien Forges, CEO of CM Expert which “supports 60 business creations per year with a success rate of 96% after five years”.

For Cécile Philippe, deputy director of the Banque de France de Colmar, which deploys sponsorship action for economic and social inclusion, this fresco “will allow neo-entrepreneurs to stimulate themselves, give themselves confidence and move forward more quickly”.

Intrapreneurs also targeted

The money raised will be used to “prototype the fresco, giving it substance to publish it and then distribute it in the ”, according to Marina Patroucheva, director of the Or du Commun collective. Once materialized, it will travel through several third places in the Grand Est and will serve as an educational tool at the next Emploi Formation Alsace fair scheduled for Colmar in January 2025. “This tool is also aimed at companies where profiles can emerge with a view to “obtain positions of responsibility and where we find more and more profiles of intrapreneurs”, she continues. With the Fairy, it intends to “fuel the debate within companies” through “activities for employees which can also be moments of cohesion”.



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