The Girondins women’s section authorized to resume in R1, but…

A few weeks ago, we learned of the failure of the English investment fund Sphera Partners to take over and finalize the women’s section of the Girondins de . The delay in dealing with the authorities being reduced, the FCGB also accepted its penalty, that of being excluded from the national championships, and therefore of leaving the second division for the first team, but also of repealing the training center project which had been accepted by the French Football Federation. And since then?

Well we were waiting to know in what sauce they were going to be eaten. The decision to maintain Regional 1 was sent back between the authorities and, as Sud Ouest reports to us this evening, the Football League, the final decision-maker, accepted that the first team starts from the highest regional level. . However, everything is not yet acquired…

Indeed, the most difficult thing now remains, namely the question of financing the section for this new season, whether for the first team, the U19 team, but also the training center which will continue to develop but without the subsidy initially planned by the FFF, following the loss of professional status.

This is why the Girondins Socios and other entrepreneurs have been hard at work in recent days to establish a financing plan for this new financial year. Girondins Socios will put to a vote to its members the possibility of injecting €100,000, or a little less than half of the amount collected for a month and a half now.

(Photo by Loic Cousin/Icon Sport) – Photo by Icon



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