It is at the initiative of the municipality of Rouillon and with the partnership of Groupama, that the day of Saturday October 5 will be devoted to the operation “gestures that save”.
It will take place at the Vaujoubert estate and will include three sessions. Each of them will last approximately two hours. The first is scheduled for 10 a.m., the second for 2 p.m. and the third for 4 p.m. The capacity for each sequence is around fifteen people.
Catherine Gautier, first deputy mayor of Rouillon in charge of school affairs, communication, culture and human resources and Bernard Janvier, Prevention referent for the local fund Groupama Le Mans Sud Ouest are satisfied to see all the slots offered full.
Designed by the State, this awareness-raising action allows its beneficiary to be able to react effectively and quickly in the event of an accident: alert emergency services, place the victim in a side safety position (PLS), avoid suffocation , stop bleeding etc.
This training session can be the first step towards becoming a citizen rescuer that can be enriched throughout life. Beyond the basic reflexes acquired in first aid, it is possible to move towards more in-depth teaching, level 1 civic prevention and first aid training being the next step.
At the end of the training, a certificate is issued by the trainer, in the name of the prefect, to each participant.