Denial from Senelec on the tragic death of a young person in Yeumbeul Sud

Denial from Senelec on the tragic death of a young person in Yeumbeul Sud
Denial from Senelec on the tragic death of a young person in Yeumbeul Sud

Senelec would like to point out that it is in no way responsible for the makeshift connection which caused this electrocution. The technical teams dispatched to the scene to secure the area found that it was not an official installation or one secured by the national electricity company. The pole in question and the wire involved were not installed or approved by Senelec.

In addition, it should be noted that any electrical installation intervention in a public space, such as the basketball court in question, must be subject to prior authorization from the competent authorities. Senelec also recalls that it was never officially alerted regarding this type of connection overlooking the land in question.

Faced with this tragedy, Senelec expresses its deep compassion and presents its sincere condolences to the family of Ahmadou Bamba Ndiaye as well as to the residents of Yeumbeul Sud. However, it strongly rejects any accusation of negligence and calls for caution and respect for electrical safety standards to prevent such incidents from happening again.

