“TKT”: anatomy of harassment to be seen in theaters from October 9 – Actu Cinema

“TKT”: anatomy of harassment to be seen in theaters from October 9 – Actu Cinema
“TKT”: anatomy of harassment to be seen in theaters from October 9 – Actu Cinema

With TKTSolange Cicurel paints a striking portrait of a young girl devastated by harassment, analyzing with clarity and relevance the infernal mechanism that traps her heroine, Emma, ​​luminous Lanna De Palmaert. A movie to be seen in theaters from Wednesday October 9.


Emma is 16 years old and has her life ahead of her. Funny, intelligent, bright and popular, she has it all and more. Pampered by her parents and surrounded by her many friends, she will nevertheless gradually lose her ground, faced with harassment with repercussions of which she could never have suspected the extent.

The film begins urgently. We end up at the hospital, in Emma’s room. His parents are devastated, his mother keeps repeating: “I should have seen.” Consumed by guilt, she cannot understand the incomprehensible: how could her little daughter have gotten to this point? As if leaving her body, it is Emma herself who will lead the investigation, going back into her memories. Traveling through time, she revisits certain more or less recent episodes, which taken together retrace the history of the harassment of which she was the victim.

Social networks as a sounding board for harassment

As is often the case, it starts with so little. White pants, a blood stain, a video circulating. A good-natured squeeze, “just for fun”. Except that the incident triggers a chain of events which gradually take on a scale that is difficult to control, where group pressure, shame, and social networks provide a dramatic resonance for what initially was almost nothing. . While she gravitated to the center of a social and friendly network that seemed welcoming at first glance, Emma found herself more and more isolated. At home, she withdraws, breaks off communication with her parents who are attentive enough. “Don’t worry.”

TKT returns point by point to the spiral which leads to a singular harassment drama but which nevertheless echoes so many others. In this regard, Solange Cicurel’s film comes at the right time to be part of an important societal reflection, especially since she takes care to adopt a cinematographic language accessible to teenagers – notably thanks to the music and the work carried out with his cinematographer Sean Doan, inspired by series like Sex Education or Euphoria.

A cast of young actors accompanied by experienced actors

To embody Emma, ​​we had to find a nature, an unknown face that would immediately resonate. A successful bet for the young Lanna De Palmaert, for whom this is the first role, and whose spontaneity and photogenicity make it obvious. Facing her, the troupe of young actors and actresses embodies with freshness and conviction the group which surrounds as much as it isolates. In the role of parents, Emilie Dequenne is once again impressive in her pure emotion, when Stéphane De Groodt surprises in a register that we know little about.

In short, a public utility film to put on everyone’s lips an essential conversation about the ravages of harassment among young people, and to open dialogue between generations.

Source : www.welovecinema.be



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