Ax in a door and threat of fire, the bloodshed of a resident

A man broke into his ex-partner’s house in on Friday September 17. She fled, but he waited for the police while lighting a barbecue to “set the fire”.

Font illustration Saint-Brieuc | WEST FRANCE


  • Font illustration Saint-Brieuc | WEST FRANCE

A Nantes police patrol intervened on a sensitive point, in the Chantenay district, after being alerted by a woman, Friday September 27 around 11 p.m. She indicated that her ex-partner had broken into her home. She quickly went out to save herself. When the police arrived, the angry man threatened to burn down the home.

In the yard, he had lit a fire in a barbecue, then he started banging on the door. Upon entering, the police realized that he had used an axe.

The recalcitrant man no longer had it in hand at the time of the intervention, but “he remained very excited”confirms the prosecution. The police used an electric stun gun to subdue him. The man was taken into custody and is expected to appear in court immediately on Monday.



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