Pro-choice demonstration in Quebec: “There are too many women in the world who are dying”

Pro-choice demonstration in Quebec: “There are too many women in the world who are dying”
Pro-choice demonstration in Quebec: “There are too many women in the world who are dying”

Dozens of women from Quebec gathered on the occasion of International Abortion Rights Day to demand better access to this procedure which remains increasingly difficult in certain places in the world.

The demonstration aimed to reaffirm the right to control their body and their fertility.

“There are too many women in the world dying, and it affects me. This is not normal,” pleaded a woman who participated in the rally.

Some activists interviewed by TVA Nouvelles perceive an increasingly hostile climate towards women who use termination of pregnancies.

The rise of certain movements hostile to abortion here, as in the United States, has caused concern.

“The prospect of a conservative government scares us because [M.] Poilievre may say that he is pro-choice, but there are many people within the Conservative Party whose mission is to be against abortion,” lamented a pro-choice activist.

“I think it’s important to be here today, because everything that’s happening in the United States scares me a little. It could perhaps happen here in the future if we don’t mobilize,” added another demonstrator.

Speakers from the SOS pregnancy organization also participated in the event to provide prevention on certain issues related to childbirth.

“A pregnancy often happens in a very specific context, so it is important for us to correct certain things and tell people what is true or not,” said Claudie Thivierge, a pro-choice social worker from the organization. .

“We do not intervene just for the termination of pregnancy, but also to provide [soutien] for women who decide to move towards motherhood” illustrated Anthéa Martineau, the director.

See the full explanation in the video above



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