the Israeli army announces having “killed” Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah, during the bombing of Beirut

Hundreds of families fled bombings in southern Beirut suburbs

“I have no money, no house, no car. I only have one motorbike. Tomorrow ? We’ll see, there, I’ll sleep on the beach,” says Ahmad, 24 years old. With his children, and his sister’s family, they are arriving on the Corniche of Beirut, where thousands of people have found refuge, while Israeli strikes are regular on the southern suburbs, stronghold of Hezbollah, in Lebanon, on the night of September 27 to 28, 2024. ADRIENNE SURPRISING / MYOP FOR “THE WORLD”

Hundreds of families crammed into cars fled, during the night from Friday to Saturday, the southern suburbs of Beirut, a Hezbollah stronghold, target of intense Israeli strikes, correspondents from Agence -Presse (AFP) noted.

Following a call from the Israeli army to evacuate, traffic jams formed in the middle of the night in the streets of the capital, usually deserted at this time and plunged into darkness due to lack of power.

On Martyrs’ Square, in the center of Beirut, or on the seaside ledge, men, women and children were sitting on the ground, looking disoriented.

People sleep on the side of the road, on the Corniche of Beirut, where thousands of people have found refuge, while the Israeli army shells the southern suburbs, stronghold of Hezbollah, in Lebanon, on the night of September 27 to 28, 2024 . ADRIENNE SURPRISING / MYOP FOR “THE WORLD”

“We were at home when there was this call to evacuate. We took our identity papers, our belongings and we left”Radwan Msallam, a Syrian refugee living in the southern suburbs, told AFP. This father of six children aged 3 to 17 added that he did not “nowhere to go”explaining that he could not return to his country.



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