Trial of Nicolas Bedos: the director’s radical gesture after being accused of sexual assault and harassment

Trial of Nicolas Bedos: the director’s radical gesture after being accused of sexual assault and harassment
Trial of Nicolas Bedos: the director’s radical gesture after being accused of sexual assault and harassment

While the prosecution is demanding 12 months in prison for Nicolas Bedos, he faced one of the three alleged victims, who returned, in tears, to the facts which led her to file a complaint. A few weeks ago, the actor’s ex-partner confided to the newspaper La Tribune about the radical change in behavior that had occurred to Nicolas Bedos when the accusations were announced. “For a year, Nicolas has not left his house. He left and no longer drinks a drop of alcohol. Some turned their backs on him. He has examined his conscience and is awaiting his trial in peace. she declared.

Nicolas Bedos arrives at his trial, supported by his partner Pauline

This Thursday, Nicolas Bedos was also able to speak. “I have nothing left, no more plans, everything has come to a halt. My career is over. I live with the most extraordinary woman in the world, in a small house, in a village in the hinterland of . I no longer go to party places. I live a recluse”, he described, according to comments reported by journalist Cécile Ollivier on X.

Nicolas Bedos tried this Thursday for sexual assault and harassment of three women: “A gesture he has no memory of”

The filmmaker has also made an important resolution since this affair. He claims not to have “touched a glass of strong alcohol for a year and a half. It would take me a lot of time to explain to you why I needed, for years, this bi-weekly nocturnal palliative.” he declared. He also said he was getting help from an addictologist. An important awareness but which will not erase the facts with which he is accused.



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