The seriousness of Travail called into question by trade unionists

The seriousness of Travail called into question by trade unionists
The seriousness of France Travail called into question by trade unionists

Critics of Travail, formerly called Pôle Emploi, are coming from everywhere, to the point of calling into question the seriousness of this government platform.

Towards the liberalization of public services…

Many unions, supported by political leaders, take a dim view of the use of subcontracting, an increasingly widespread practice within France Work.

Between 2018 and 2023, the investment of this public body to support this project increased from 250 to 650 million euros.

For many actors, this “ desire to liberalize public services » could deteriorate the quality of the services offered.

The quality of services called into question

Referring to a report published by the Court of Auditorsthe socialist deputy Arthur Delaporte believes in fact “ that a euro spent on private training is less effective than a euro spent on the public employment service, because the supportaccording to him, by private actors is of lower quality than that provided by the public service ».

For the parliamentarian, whatever the reason behind this outsourcing of France Travail services, it is “ a waste of public money ».

For its part, the National Committee CGT for unemployed and precarious workers denounces this “ privatization of several missions of the public employment service “, which would, according to them, only benefit ” job vultures ».

Fraudulent advertisements on the France Travail website…

As recently as the end of last August, the results of an investigation carried out by the CGT Unemployed raise questions about the real quality of the services offered by France Travail.

In fact, more than half of the job offers posted on the former Pôle emploi website are fraudulent. “ Of the 1,844 offers found, 55% are illegal under the Labor Code“, affirms its general secretary Pierre Garnodier in the columns of Humanity.

For this union official, “ indicating that a fixed-term contract offer can lead to a permanent contract is illegal, because it does not correspond to the reality of the signed contract« .

“Bogus” offers

This is not the only flaw denounced by the CGT Unemployed in this study. “ There are also “bogus” offers, which do not exist“, notes the Secretary General.

« They appear on the France Travail website, but by clicking on the link to go to the partner’s website, it is indicated that the offer has already been filled, although it has not been removed from the site“, he adds.

At the end of this new charge against France Travail, the union also denounced these “ Advertisements posted by private companies with the aim of attracting precarious workers to apply. These are mainly temporary work agencies.“, specifies the study, “who offer contracts lasting for example up to 18 months, but when you contact them, you realize that the position is only for a few days« .



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