Parliament ready to relax doctors’ numerus clausus

Parliament ready to relax doctors’ numerus clausus
Parliament ready to relax doctors’ numerus clausus

The selection of medical students is done in different ways. At the universities of Geneva, Lausanne and Neuchâtel, a strict selection takes place at the end of the first year. On the other hand, the universities of Basel, Bern, Fribourg, Zurich, Ticino and ETH Zurich have introduced a numerus clausus for admission to the first year. A numerus clausus that has also been practiced at the universities of Basel, Bern, Fribourg and Zurich since 1998 and at ETH Zurich and Ticino since 2017. The competence to set a numerus clausus at cantonal universities lies with the cantons, and at ETHs, with the ETH Board.



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