Heritage Days 2024: our selection of the most beautiful events in Béziers

The 41st European Heritage Days (EHD) will allow you to (re)discover our monuments and our history. Two themes are in the spotlight this year: “Heritage of routes, networks and connections” and “Maritime heritage”. The program is extremely dense. So enjoy your visits thanks to this selection of events in Béziers and the Biterrois. And as a reminder: everything is free!

Accordion and flute in majesty

Villa Antonine, a gem of Béziers heritage.
Free Midi

Who said that the piano à bandoulière was only good for livening up public dances? The students of the accordion class at the Béziers Conservatory will prove that they can make it travel, from Bach to Haydn (Saturday, at 3:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m.). The flute will also move from the shadows to the light with the trio Tutti Flutti, Joseph Grau and the students. A panorama of a repertoire that is over 600 years old (Sunday at 3:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m.). In addition, Aracelli Vilar and Théo Michel, the two artists in residence, will open the doors of their studios, while the garden gates will host the 2024, Olympic Year exhibition, concocted by the museums and municipal archives.
Villa Antonine, 74 rue Jean-Valette in Béziers. Open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Reservations required for concerts, 04 99 41 34 80.

Sacred wood and nature secrets at the Bayssan estate

A walk in nature at the Bayssan estate.

The Bayssan estate offers a walk with the association Les Secrets de la nature, to discover edible plants, followed by a tasting of pesto and herbal teas (8 a.m.-10 a.m.). A wood engraving workshop (from 12 years old), at 2:30 p.m., with the visual artist Serge Griggio; plant-based cosmetics (from 8 years old) at 3:30 p.m. and lactofermentation (from 8 years old), at 2 p.m., with Les Secrets de la nature. But also a visit to the site with Bérangère Bordes, at 3:30 p.m., and theater-reading by David Ayala and the Cie Le Grand Cerf bleu, at the Galabru theater at 2:30 p.m. Please note that these walks, activities and workshops are by reservation at 04 67 28 37 32. At 6 p.m., closing of the marble sculpture symposium.
Bayssan Estate, Vendres road to Béziers.

Railway workers on the rails of the 7 networks

Rare documents immersing the visitor in the history of railway workers.
Rare documents immersing the visitor in the history of railway workers.

The SNCF National Personnel Archives Center has collected nearly 3.5 million personal files of railway company employees. It goes back in time and history by offering an animation “to discover our archives and the history of the seven different networks that covered , before the birth of the SNCF”says Laurence Bour, the center’s director. “Participants will play and maybe win, then they will benefit from a guided tour of the center, to follow the circuit of documents, the deposit of archives, etc.” Those who have railway ancestors will also be able to ask to trace their traces.
Rue du Lieutenant-Pasquet in Béziers. Saturday, events at 9:30 a.m., 11 a.m., 2 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. Sunday, 10 a.m., 2 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. Registration recommended at https://affluences.com. 04 67 49 61 35.

The Cordier mill, a medieval monument

The Cordier mill will reveal all its secrets this weekend, thanks to the mobilization of BTS tourism students from the Jean-Moulin high school in Pézenas. Built in the Middle Ages, “it was transformed into a “pumping plant” by Jean-Marie Cordier in the 19th century”in order to supply water to the upper town. It also offers an exceptional view of Béziers and the Orb from its large terrace. Artists Dominique Renson and Quentin Révilla will open the doors of their studios.
Moulin Cordier, Jardin de la Plantade, Murviel road in Béziers. depart every 30 minutes from 10:30 a.m., Saturday and Sunday.

Catalan rumba and flamenco at heart

A bit of Catalan rumba for these Heritage Days.
A bit of Catalan rumba for these Heritage Days.

The World Harmonies association, which promotes Catalan rumba and gypsy music, has put together, with “Rumba na má”, an enticing programme of concerts by the group Los Graciosos in different places and cultural spaces in Béziers. Gypsy rumba and Spanish flamenco will follow one another depending on the places and the inspiration of the musicians, to music by Ida y Vuelta. With the singer Jose Maria “Peruché”, accompanied on guitar and vocals by Jean David “Patito” Gabarri and Tony “Juanito” Ximenez and on percussion and vocals, Esaïe “Suano” Cortes and David “El Nino” Gabarri.
Saturday: at 11 a.m., at the Bullfighting Museum (7 rue Massol); at 3 p.m., at the Spanish Colony (1 rue Vieille-Citadelle); at 5 p.m., Les Ostals (rue du Capus). Sunday: at 11 a.m., Bullfighting Museum; at 3 p.m., Les Ostals; at 5 p.m., Saint-Jude Church (27 boulevard Tourventouse).

Tours and dubbing workshop in Occitan

A dubbing workshop in Occitan with Cirdoc.
A dubbing workshop in Occitan with Cirdoc.

The Cirdoc, an institute of Occitan culture, offers guided tours of the exhibition La Granda Revirada, which puts into perspective the challenges of the transition from one language to another, the misunderstandings and oddities, at 10 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. It also invites the public to come and try their hand at dubbing in Occitan, during workshops, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., with the Conta’m association, which specializes in film dubbing. No need to speak the language, “the only prerequisite is to know how to read and to want to have fun…”
Saturday, September 21. Cirdoc, Place du 14-Juillet in Béziers. Open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. with free access but registration required for the workshop and visits at 04 67 11 85 10.

Street art in all its glory in Sérignan

Sérignan puts street art in the spotlight.
Sérignan puts street art in the spotlight.

The City of Sérignan has focused this 2024 edition of the JEP on “Cultural Itinerances”. On Saturday, you can dream with Conte en famille, at 10:30 a.m. (small open-air theater); wander through the street art frescoes during a guided tour, at 4 p.m. (media library, 146 avenue de la Plage); participate in Yassine Boussaadoun’s cuckoo marathon (media library); enjoy a historical walk in the heart of the city, at 5 p.m., or immerse yourself in the history of the Château Vargoz (1 rue du Pont), a “madness” that has had several lives, at 6:30 p.m. The Jaïza group will brighten up the early evening, at 6:45 p.m., in the gardens of the château with its jazz and soul repertoire. On Sunday, street art itinerancy at 10:30 a.m.; Minnie Marks concert at the Mrac (regional museum of contemporary art) at 3 p.m., etc.
“Cultural itineraries”, Saturday and Sunday. Full program on ville-serignan.fr.

Discover the city of Molière along the water

Always a pleasure to discover the city of Molière.
Always a pleasure to discover the city of Molière.

For the JEP, the Pézenas tourist office is offering a unique visit: “Water useful to all”. “Come and discover Pézenas in a little-known way: from the natural bed of the Peyne to the fountain of the consular house, this visit will be an opportunity to retrace the history of the water supply of Pézenas, through numerous heritage elements preserved in the town.”
Saturday 21st, at 10 a.m. Voltaire car park, 7 boulevard Voltaire in Pézenas. Reservations required at 04 67 98 36 40.

Film and photo to see behind the scenes in Courniou

The Fileuse cave in Courniou.
The Fileuse cave in Courniou.

The photographic exhibition “The Pioneers: Behind the Scenes” highlights the riches of the territory’s underground network. The public will be able to discover the Fileuse de Verre, one of the most beautiful and oldest caves in France, during guided tours. Screening of the film Marcou, Montagne de la Nuit in the presence of the director, Anthony Alliès. This film retraces the epic of an exploration in one of the most inaccessible cavities in the Pays d’art et d’histoire. The screening will continue with a discussion on the management and preservation of underground environments. Reservation required.
Saturdays at 11:30 a.m., 2 p.m. and 4 p.m.: guided tours (paying). At 5:30 p.m., film screening and discussion, free entry. Avenue Georges-Milhaud in Courniou. www.lafileusedeverre.fr

Camille en Bal and her balèti in Saint-Chinian

Camille en Bal will host a balèti.
Camille en Bal will host a balèti.

Singer Camille Simeray and her combo Camille en Bal, composed of Maud Séguier (transverse flute) and Dayron Aguila Arbolaezz (trumpet, percussion) open the Heritage Days, this Friday, September 20, in Saint-Chinian with a concert and an Occitan balèti, mixed with Afro-Cuban accents. With wine tastings and video screenings. The evening promises to be wild.
Saint-Chinian cooperative cellar, chemin de Sorteilho. The evening will begin at 8:30 p.m.

Valras programming cancelled

Please note that the planned programming in Valras was cancelled due to the forecast weather conditions.



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