Medjugorje, a recognition of fruits, not apparitions

Medjugorje, a recognition of fruits, not apparitions
Medjugorje, a recognition of fruits, not apparitions

The Vatican has therefore given its verdict on Thursday morning on the Marian apparitions at the Marian shrine of Medjugorje in Bosnia-Herzegovina. “There is nothing to oppose it,” said the Holy See, which authorizes cautious adherence to the messages of Medjugorje, without however pronouncing on the reality of the visions.

“Nihil Obstat”, nothing stands in the way

“Nihil Obstat”, which literally means “Nothing stands in the way” in Latin, is therefore the answer to the request for devotion, thus authorizing the local bishop to promote it.

This decision comes after many years of investigations into the apparitions of Medjugorje. It is in line with the new standards for evaluating supernatural phenomena adopted by the Vatican last May. For Christophe Herinckx, doctor of theology, this decision was predictable. “Since 1981, many people have been going to Medjugorje and indeed, quite a few people experience a conversion and a spiritual renewal. Many return from there strengthened in their faith.”

A supernatural character called into question

Since the beginning of the events, questions have remained about the supernatural nature of the apparitions. Although it recognizes the spiritual fruit, the Vatican has some reservations about the events and accounts of the visionaries of Medjugorje. The document emphasizes that the support for public worship and the positive value of the message do not constitute an official declaration of its miraculous character. Questions remain, particularly regarding the authenticity of the visions and some of the confused messages.

A warning is therefore issued to the faithful regarding the messages. This precaution echoes the conclusions of previous commissions of inquiry and the statements of several popes. The Ruini commission expressed various doubts about the different phases of the apparitions and their pastoral management towards the faithful. Pope John Paul II had said at the end of his life that he would not recognize the apparitions in Medjugorje. Investigations followed. Pope Francis also sent a special emissary to examine the matter. “Indeed, there are doubts about the fact that the apparitions are “authentic” for Christophe Herinckx. The theologian explains that the Church often makes a distinction between the authorization of places of apparitions and their official recognition, the latter being subject to very strict criteria and therefore extremely rare. This subject has been debated within the Church for more than 40 years.



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