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Two young German tourists killed

Two young German tourists killed
Two young German tourists killed

Two hundred meters traveled at 100 kilometers per hour, crossing two red lights. What happened to the woman who was driving her Mercedes in Lido di Camaiore and who, on the evening of Wednesday, September 18, knocked down five young people and killed two young German women on vacation in Versilia? The Lucca prosecutor has opened an investigation for double road homicide and injuries. The driver, a resident of Viareggio (Lu), a former barmaid, has been placed under house arrest.

Who is the arrested woman?

The 44-year-old Brazilian, Katia Pereira Da Silva, was driving her Mercedes on the evening of Wednesday, September 18. The impact at over 80 kilometers per hour left no chance for the two German tourists (they would have been 18 and 19 in a few days), residents of Duisburg, who died instantly, hit by the car that ran the red light. The car continued its mad dash, injuring five other people and then stopping against two other vehicles. The South American citizen was taken in shock to Versilia Hospital, where she tested negative in toxicology tests. After being monitored by law enforcement at the hospital, this morning, police officers took the 44-year-old woman to her home in Viareggio under house arrest. “I don’t remember what happened,” she reportedly said in the first agitated moments after the tragic accident. “You’re wrong, it wasn’t me, it’s not my fault,” she allegedly stammered to the rescuers. What caused these 200 meters of madness?

The wounded

The most seriously injured person remains the person transported in code red by helicopter to the Cisanello hospital in Pisa for multiple trauma. Two injured are hospitalized at the Apuane hospital in Massa and two others at the Versilia hospital, all considered serious but out of danger. Traffic police investigators are currently reconstructing the exact dynamics of the accident, with the Mercedes that ran two red lights. “It is an episode that has shocked the whole community, something like this has never happened, a car at high speed on Via Italica knocked down and killed two people and injured five others, damaged about ten parked cars and knocked over everything it found in its path, even after the second impact”, Marcello Pierucci, the mayor of Camaiore, told the television channel 50Canale, who rushed to Via Italica just after the tragic accident.

The victims

The two victims, German students on a school trip, would have turned 18 and 19 in a few days: they were from Duisburg, a city in Germany. The students attended the Gesamtschule Duisburg-Mitte high school. A third student, also hit by the car, is in serious condition at Versilia Hospital.

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