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Price of cucumbers on the rise, conventional more expensive than organic

In week 37, cucumbers from VBT (Federation of Belgian greenhouse cooperatives) were once again showing high prices, after an incidental drop the previous week. At almost 87 euro cents per unit, the average price remains twice as high as normal. Tomato prices are also slightly above the five-year average, after a slight increase in recent weeks.

The average price of organic cucumbers was higher than the five-year average throughout the summer, and also higher than in recent years. In week 37, they were worth more than 79 cents.

The reasons for these high cucumber prices are good demand, some hype on TikTok, but above all the drop in imports from Spain, also highlighted in our recent global cucumber market update.

In week 37, the price increase slows down or even stagnates. €1.11/kg for round tomatoes, as well as for clusters, according to the VBT price overview.

For peppers, last week’s prices are close to the five-year average: €1.12/kg for red, €1.37 for yellow and €1.23 for green.

The average price of lettuce has risen above the five-year average after several less profitable weeks, reaching 54 euro cents per head.

The average price of strawberries was over €5/kg over the last three weeks, which is more attractive than in recent years. In week 37, the average was €5.43/kg.

See here all average VBT prices for vegetables in week 37. To view the graphs in large, consult the agricultural price report of the Flemish Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries.



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