Alexander Poplavsky. The loyal Thierry Breton sacrificed

Alexander Poplavsky. The loyal Thierry Breton sacrificed
Alexander Poplavsky. The loyal Thierry Breton sacrificed

's ability to resist the injunctions of the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, is astounding. It is as vigorous as Emmanuel Macron was with the dictates of the RN for the appointment of the Prime Minister. That is to say. You no longer want Thierry Breton as European Commissioner for the Internal Market? No problem! We let him resign with a bang and we offer you a replacement in the process. History does not say whether the substitute was knighted after a call from the Élysée to Lady Ursula. In any case, barely a few hours after the announcement of Thierry Breton's resignation, the French presidency pulled the resigning Minister of Foreign Affairs, Stéphane Séjourné, out of the hat. He ticks all the boxes. First, he is a die-hard Macronist who was at the head of the Renew group (centrists and liberals) in the European Parliament. His pro-European commitment will also allow him to pursue the policy desired by the Head of State within the holy institution. Incidentally, we wipe our feet on the loyal servant Thierry Breton whose crime of lèse-majesté is to have sharply criticized the “uncollective” management of the tenant of the Berlaymont building in Brussels. He also did not mince his words when denouncing her ingenuity in wanting to place a close friend in a highly paid position. Normal, you would say? Not for Ursula von der Leyen who prefers secret discussions to democratic transparency. As for Emmanuel Macron, why did he rush to give in to this whim when last July, he made a point of honor to keep Thierry Breton in his post? Too old? Too rigid? No response from the President who, in this game of musical chairs, intends to show that he retains control over the appointment of international officers. Foreign policy remains his ultimate preserve.



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