Laure Boulleau, discomfort live

Laure Boulleau, discomfort live
Laure Boulleau, discomfort live

Sunday evening on Canal Football Club, Laure Boulleau was keen to criticize John Textor, the eccentric owner of OL. And for good reason, her partner knows the subject well…

Now presented as the star consultant of the Canal Football Club alongside presenter Hervé Mathoux, every Sunday evening on Canal+, Laure Boulleau did not mince her words about John Textor. The owner of OL since December 2022 stands out in a bad way by his interference in the transfer window of the Gones and even in the daily life of Pierre Sage’s players. Alexandre Lacazette and his teammates are once again having a bad start to the season in Ligue 1
after a still chaotic transfer window…

“He’s passionate. I have the feeling that this guy is playing Foot Manager, that he’s in a game. Come on, I’ll take a player, six months later I’ll sell him, he’s fired I don’t know how many sports directors, even in Belgium. (at RWD Molenbeek, editor’s note). He removes a player from the training, (Mamadou) Sarr, to recruit another youngster, the coherence is not there at all. And then it is real money, we are not playing Monopoly, he is very American in his style, I prefer female players to American managers…launched the former PSG player.

Laure Boulleau with Bruno Cheyrou

For the supporters in front of the CFCLaure Boulleau was perhaps not the ideal person on the set to criticize Olympique Lyonnais. And for good reason, the former French international is in a relationship with Bruno Cheyrou (with whom she had her first child, on March 19), and the former player was precisely dismissed from his position as recruitment manager in June 2023 by the American businessman (the former Marseillais Matthieu Louis-Jean was hired). He was reassigned to another position before being fired in January 2024.

Hired by Jean-Michel Aulas, Bruno Cheyrou did what he could as head of recruitment, having to deal with Juninho’s omnipotence at the time as sporting director. But Cheyrou notably missed the mark by betting 12 million euros on Amin Sarr, a young Swedish striker who was particularly weak for the demanding level of Ligue 1. The left-hander who had played for OM also took a heavy toll after a mocking statement about OM (who were looking for a coach before finding Igor Tudor).



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