This well-known comedian performs in a room of 35 people in

This well-known comedian performs in a room of 35 people in
This well-known comedian performs in a room of 35 people in Lyon
This well-known comedian performs in a room of 35 people in Lyon

Actor and comedian Gad Elmaleh. (Photo by BERTRAND GUAY / AFP)

Gad Elmaleh was performing Saturday night at the Bourse de Travail. But a few hours before his performance, the comedian gave a funny surprise to the 35 spectators of the comedy club The Speaker in .

It’s a surprise that the lucky thirty or so will remember for a very long time. On Saturday, September 14, Gad Elmaleh, who was performing his show at the Bourse du Travail, performed a few minutes earlier in a café theater in the 1st arrondissement of Lyon, The Speaker.

Also read : Gad Elmaleh performing at the LDLC Arena in 2025

Present for four days at the Bourse du Travail, which was sold out for the arrival of one of the French people’s favorite comedians (33rd in the Ifop/JDD barometer of the 50 favorite personalities of the French), Gad Elmaleh took advantage of his stay in Lyon to come and test new jokes in a more confidential room. According to our colleagues at Lyon Tribunethis surprise performance in front of an audience stunned to see the star perform on the small stage of the Speakerstarted from a challenge launched between the comedian and Harold Barbé, a comedian who is opening for him on his entire tour.

10 minutes of show

They challenged themselves to each write a 10-minute and come and test it. Harold looked for where they could perform it in Lyon and they were recommended Le Speaker“explains the director of the establishment to our colleagues. Having both arrived at 7 p.m., Harold Barbé first played for 10 minutes before announcing the name of the next guest, kept secret until the end.”The audience was completely blown away. They couldn’t believe it.” recalls the director of the comedy club.

An audience surprised then won over after the performance of Gad Elmaleh who “returned the room“. Once his performance was over in front of thirty people, Gad Elmaleh quickly went to the Bourse du Travail to perform his show “Himself” at 8 p.m. in front of an audience of 2,000 people.

A memory that should remain etched in the minds of the Speaker’s spectators.



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