Diesel rebound already over, diesel and gasoline prices fall sharply

Thus, the average price of diesel in is now well below €1.60/L. This fuel is at €1.5887/L in France, according to data from the Ministry of Ecological Transition. To get there, the average price had to fall sharply, between September 6 and 13.

Indeed, the price of this fuel has decreased by no less than 2.3 euro cents in one week. Last week, diesel was on average at €1.6117/L. Its price had then gone up again, breaking seven weeks of price declines in a row.

Petrol price drops by almost three euro cents

On the gasoline side, the fall is even sharper. SP95-E10 lost no less than 2.9 euro cents over the past week, to reach €1.6791/L. This makes nine consecutive weeks that the price of gasoline has decreased.

Other types of gasoline follow a similar curve. Over the past week, SP95 has gone from €1.7424/L to €1.7175/L. SP98, on the other hand, has returned below the €1.80/L mark, to €1.7866/L. Last week, however, it was at €1.8144/L.

Fuel prices between September 6 and 13

(Price of September 6 / Price of September 13)

  • Diesel – 1.6117 / 1.5887 €/L
  • SP95-E10 – 1.7077 / 1.6791 €/L
  • SP95 – 1.7424 / 1.7175 €/L
  • SP98 – 1.8144 / 1.7866 €/L

Oil prices fall

This new drop in pump prices can be explained simply: it is due to the fall in the price of oil. The price of a barrel of Brent has fallen well below 80 dollars, despite a rebound during the second half of August.

The price of a barrel of Brent is now even approaching 70 dollars. It was below 72 dollars last week. This is immediately felt in the prices at the pump. Let’s bet that this trend will last, in the interest of motorists.

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To summarize

September seems to be a month that is definitely smiling on motorists. Fuel prices are falling again. They have lost more than two cents per litre over a week, with the drop even approaching three cents per litre for petrol.



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