Death of Émile: additional analyses of the child's bones and clothing have just been completed

Several months after the start of the analyses of little Émile's bones and clothing, these have just been completed and put an end to a long-term work.

At the beginning of July, almost a year to the day after the disappearance of little Emile, who disappeared on July 8, a private laboratory, that of Professor Christian Doutremepuich, based in , began new analyses on the boy's bones in order to establish credibility in the case.

Answers in the coming weeks

After the initial work of the gendarmerie, the experts of this forensic hematology center therefore examined the seals of the case. Questioned at the time by our colleagues from Morning On the exact purpose of these analyses, the professor then replied: “I cannot speak to you about this case. As I am involved in the case, I am covered by the confidentiality of the investigation.”

This laboratory created 25 years ago, which has become a reference in cold cases, has completed its analysis work according to Provence. A summary should therefore be completed within the next two weeks and submitted to the investigating judges. We will then know whether significant progress has been made.

Voluntary homicide, accident, victim of a wild animal… Currently, investigators are still not prioritizing any leads.



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