2024 Legislative Elections: Edwige Diaz (RN), re-elected MP in Haute-Gironde, welcomes “a vote of confidence”

2024 Legislative Elections: Edwige Diaz (RN), re-elected MP in Haute-Gironde, welcomes “a vote of confidence”
2024 Legislative Elections: Edwige Diaz (RN), re-elected MP in Haute-Gironde, welcomes “a vote of confidence”

There were no surprises for this first round of the 2024 legislative elections, in Haute-Gironde, in the 11th constituency (Blaye, Coutras, Saint-André-de-Cubzac…). Elected in 2022 in the second round,he outgoing National Rally MP Edwige Diaz didn’t even need it this year. She won the election in the first round with 53.33% of the votes.ahead of the Macronist Véronique Hammerer (22.54%) and the New Popular Front of Cécila Fonseca (22.03%). Edwige Diaz almost doubles her 2022 scoregoing from 18,662 votes in the first round to 34,590. “On paper, it was possible” to win in the first round, she acknowledged this Monday on France Bleu Gironde. “But then, politics is far from being mathematics. So we had to campaign, a grassroots campaign. It’s a real vote of confidence,” she greets.

On the Girondin plan (leading in six out of 12 constituencies), as well as nationally (33% of the vote), the RN is reaping excellent results, but will have to face the second round, various calls to the republican front, by Emmanuel Macron who wants a “large gathering” facing the extreme right, to Marine Tondelier, the boss of the Greens who pleads for “construction of a new republican front”. “It does not work anymore”, answers Edwige Diaz. “It doesn’t work anymore because I think the French people are tired of being taken hostage, of being the victims of this political mess. We, at the National Rally, with Jordan Bardella, we are reaching out to you. Vote for candidates supported by the National Rally and together, let’s create a government of national unity,” she wishes.

“In any case, there will be fragments of the RN program that will direct the lives of the French in a few days”

The re-elected RN deputy assures us: “We can obtain a majority in the National Assembly next Sunday,” by gathering 289 deputies out of the 577 in the Palais Bourbon, which would send Jordan Bardella to Matignon. And even if the RN did not obtain an absolute majority, “the weight of the National Rally today is such that the Macronists could not pass any law”, without the votes of her party, she analyses.So we will explain to the future potentially Macronist Prime Minister that if he wants our votes, he will have to insert provisions from Marine Le Pen’s presidential program. In any case, yes, there will be scraps of the National Rally program which will govern the lives of the French in a few days and that is a very good thing.”

For Edwige Diaz, this second round comes down to a choice between “the policy of common sense, appeasement, restoration of security” proposed by Jordan Bardella, and “that of the New Popular Front embodied by Jean-Luc Mélenchon who wants to empty the prisons, create tax hell, regularize illegal immigrants, repeal the anti-squatting law.”

Watch the interview with Edwige Diaz again






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