Olivier Faure rooted in Seine-et-Marne – Libération

Olivier Faure rooted in Seine-et-Marne – Libération
Olivier Faure rooted in Seine-et-Marne – Libération
2024 legislative electionsdossier

The first secretary of the Socialist Party posted an overwhelming score in the eleventh constituency of Seine-et-Marne and was re-elected in the first round.

He will serve a fourth term in his constituency: gathering 53.42% of the votes cast, and far ahead of his opponents, Olivier Faure is re-elected in the first round in the eleventh constituency of Seine-et-Marne, including the commune of Savigny- the temple. The first secretary of the Socialist Party is ahead of the candidate of the union of the extreme right, Vincent Paul-Petit (29.38%). “I want to express my gratitude this evening to all the voters of the 11th constituency of Seine-et-Marne for having given me their votes and for allowing my re-election in the first round. It’s an honor for me to represent them again.” he said on France 2.

In the last legislative elections, the boss of the PS could have been threatened after the bitter failure of Anne Hidalgo in the presidential election (1.75%). But that was without counting on the emergence of the New Ecological and Social Popular Union (Nupes) of which he had been one of the architects. This year, despite the explosion of the alliance in the wake of October 7, the deputy, who planned to meet without the Mélenchonists in view of the next presidential election, agreed to get back around the table with LFI after the dissolution surprise. This time, his internal opponents did not contest his choice. After days of negotiations, Olivier Faure’s camp obtained a rebalancing within the union of the left by notably managing to recover more constituencies than in 2022. This is thanks to Raphaël Glucksmann’s good score in the European elections. With 13.8%, the MEP from Place Publique came first on the left, almost four points behind the rebels.

Faure’s campaign was polluted by numerous questions about Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s place in the NFP, the rebellious leader having said he «capable» to settle in Matignon in the event of a victory for the left. Alongside Fabien Roussel (PCF) and Marine Tondelier (Les Ecologistes), the first secretary of the PS repeated that the three-time presidential candidate would not be Prime Minister. When he could, Olivier Faure nevertheless remained faithful to his line: to unite, and “to reach out to the trade union, intellectual and economic worlds, NGOs, civil society figures and all those who want to make themselves available to confront the extreme right“. This Sunday evening, the leader of the PS called on the macronie to withdraw in the event of triangulars.

As soon as they are published by the Ministry of the Interior, find all the results by constituency of the first round of the 2024 legislative elections on the Libération website.



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