Overflow of the Rhône: preventive evacuation of the Aigle industrial zone

Overflow of the Rhône: preventive evacuation of the Aigle industrial zone
Overflow of the Rhône: preventive evacuation of the Aigle industrial zone

The authorities of the canton of Vaud have decided to evacuate the Aigle industrial zone and to prohibit access to the industrial road from Aigle to Saint-Triphon until 6 p.m. this evening. The situation is deteriorating and the risks of the Rhône overflowing or dikes breaking are increasing, they indicate. The river flow reached 1200 m3, i.e. alert level 4 out of 5.

In the affected area, people are recommended to leave their homes or businesses, turn off gas and electricity, and close doors and windows. People must take with them their identity papers, prescribed medications, change of clothes, cell phone.

Melting snow, water-saturated soils and very dynamic storm cells active since the beginning of the afternoon caused overflows along side rivers and the Rhône, Valais authorities communicated. Debris flows also occurred.

The Rhône overflowed in different places, notably between Rarogne and Gampel or even in Chippis and Sierre. Several evacuations took place, notably in the Goms valley, in Täsch, in Sierre/Chippis and in Sion.

The flow of the Rhone has broken a record in Sion since the start of measurements, according to data from the Federal Office for the Environment, relayed by RTS. The maximum flow of the flood was recorded on Sunday around 7:30 a.m., with 924 m3/s. The previous record dated from 1948 with 910 m3/s. Records were also broken in Brig and Brandson.

Please note that the A9 motorway is closed between Sion-West and Sierre-East.

Finally, still because of rising waters, rail traffic on the Lausanne – Brig line is interrupted between Riddes and Ardon, indicate the CFF. The railway line will remain closed at least until 6 p.m. this Sunday.

The army is supporting the canton of Valais with Super Puma helicopters, but also Ticino where two people lost their lives, the Federal Department of Defence (DDPS) reported on X at midday.

It is recommended to limit travel to what is strictly necessary, not to approach waterways, not to park on bridges.



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