Polling stations open – when will the results be available?

Polling stations open – when will the results be available?
Polling stations open – when will the results be available?
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Stand: 30.06.2024, 13:58

Von: Franziska Schwarz, Stephanie Munk


Elections are taking place in France today, and the right-wing populists around Le Pen could experience a triumph. All results, projections and forecasts in the live ticker.

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this news ticker

  1. French elections today: Economy in Deutschland worried”,”position”:”1″,”storyElementPosition”:”8″,”storyElementCount”:”56″}}”>French elections today: Economy in Deutschland Concerned – The RN’s economic program is causing concern among many German entrepreneurs who have dealings with France.
  2. French election today live“,”position”:”2″,”storyElementPosition”:”8″,”storyElementCount”:”56″}}”>French election today live – First results expected in France this evening
  3. Result of the French election today live”,”position”:”3″,”storyElementPosition”:”8″,”storyElementCount”:”56″}}”>Result the French election live today – Majority for right-wing populists around Marine Le Pen likely
  4. Result of the French election live – setback for Macron threatens”,”position”:”4″,”storyElementPosition”:”8″,”storyElementCount”:”56″}}”>Result the French election live – setback for Macron threatens – Jordan Bardella of the Rassemblement National could become Prime Minister after the French election.

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Update from June 30, 1:41 p.m.: Background information on the parliamentary election in France today: The members of the French National Assembly are elected in two rounds using a majority voting system. In contrast to Germany, where a personalized proportional representation system applies, this leads to smaller parties doing worse in the allocation of seats. With a majority voting system, only one person can win. The votes that were not cast for the winner are not counted.

Early parliamentary elections in France: Sarkozy and Hollande vote

Update from June 30, 12:51 p.m.: Several leading politicians have already cast their votes in the French election this morning, including former presidents Nicolas Sarkozy and François Hollande. The last polling stations close today at 8 p.m. Projections on the outcome of the new elections in France are expected then.

Parliamentary elections in France today: Almost 30 percent voter turnout by midday

Update from June 30, 12:17 p.m.: In today’s French election, voter turnout was significantly higher by midday than in previous elections in France. According to the Interior Ministry, 25.90 percent of eligible voters had cast their votes by 12 noon; in the 2022 election, turnout at this time was 18.43 percent.

The election is groundbreaking and could bring the right-wing populists from the Rassemblement National (RN) into government for the first time. Marine Le Pen has now also cast her vote.

French election 2024: Marine Le Pen of the Rassemblement National (RN) casts her vote in the French department of la Sarthe. © Francois Lo Presti/AFP

New elections in France today: When will the first projections be available?

Update from June 30, 11:31 am: Most polling stations for the French election will close today at 6 p.m., in Paris and some other major cities they will remain open until 8 p.m. This means that by 8 p.m. relatively reliable projections for the results of the 2024 French election will already be available.

French election 2024 today: Le Pen’s Crown Prince Bardella casts his vote in the early elections

Update from June 30, 10:34 am: RN party leader Jordan Bardella wants to become prime minister after the French election. In the French municipality of Garches near Paris, Bardella – known by some as “Le Pen’s poster boy” – cast his vote for the early parliamentary elections this morning. He is considered the favorite in the new elections. This was confirmed once again by the latest polls for the 2024 French election.

French elections today: Economy in Deutschland worried

Update from June 30, 9:38 a.m.: The German economy is worried about the consequences of the French election if the extreme right or the extreme left should come to power. “When analyzing the economic policy announcements of the right and the left, German and French companies come to the same conclusion: France’s attractiveness would suffer,” said the managing director of the German-French Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Patrick Brandmaier, according to dpa.

French election 2024 today: Observers expect record voter turnout

Update from June 30, 8:34 a.m.: Voter turnout is expected to reach record levels today due to the importance of the French election. This is likely to result in several dozen candidates being elected in the first round. Before the second round of runoffs on July 7, the question is how many candidates might withdraw to prevent an RN candidate from winning.

Peter Sloterdijk on elections in France: “One is almost proud of being incurably upset”

Update from June 30, 7:33 a.m.: Peter Sloterdijk has with the Frankfurter Rundschau about the elections in France. Does he think that new elections are a smart move by Emmanuel Macron? “He wanted to give away some of his excess self-confidence and sovereign flow in order to instill courage in his depressed nation, but anyone who tries to do that is not taking the French into account,” said the philosopher. Read more in “One is downright proud of being incurably upset.”

Results of the French election could be a political turning point

Update from June 30, 6.45 a.m.: The early election for the National Assembly in France could prove to be the biggest political turning point since the founding of the current republic. For the first time, right-wing populists could gain government responsibility at the national level. However, it is also likely that after the elections today and on July 7, no camp will gain a governing majority and the country will lurch into a permanent political crisis.

Initial report: Paris – The world is looking to France today, June 30th: New elections are taking place there, the outcome of which will be crucial for the future of the country – because the radical right around Marine Le Pen could win the majority and President Emmanuel Macron could suffer a heavy defeat. The outcome of the French election is therefore awaited with great excitement.

French election today live

The polling stations in France are open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. on election day. Opinion research institutes publish their first forecasts as early as 8 p.m. They are based on so-called exit polls, i.e. surveys of voters directly at the polling stations. The forecasts already provide a reliable picture of the eventual outcome of the French election.

Shortly after the forecasts, the first projections for the new elections will follow. These will become increasingly reliable over the course of the evening. An official result of the first round of voting should be available by Monday morning (July 1) at the latest.

Result of the new elections in France: run-off vote decides in many cases

The announcement of the official result of the French elections on June 30 is not the last word: in France, after the election is usually before the election. The second round of the new elections will take place on Sunday, July 7: the run-off elections.

Run-off elections are necessary in parliamentary elections in France if no candidate receives an absolute majority – that is, more than 50 percent of the votes – in a constituency. If this does not apply to any of the candidates in a constituency, there is a second round. The two strongest candidates from the first round then compete against each other again. Whoever receives more votes in the run-off on June 7th wins their constituency.

Result the French election today live

The result of the French elections could be that the French right-wing populists achieve an absolute majority. This is what current polls on the French election suggest. At least 289 seats are required for an absolute majority in the French parliament. According to polls before the French election, the Rassemblement National around Marine Le Pen could get 250 to 300 MPs.

In France, the parties have joined forces into three camps ahead of the new elections:

  • Rassemblement National (RN) around Marine Le Pen and right-wing allies
  • Left-green camp New People’s Front
  • Liberal government camp around Macron

Macron’s government camp is far behind in third place in the polls. The far-right and left-wing camps are neck and neck in a race of 100 percent.

Result the French election live – setback for Macron threatens

French President Emmanuel Macron is not directly standing for election in the new elections. The French election will not decide on the president, but on the new composition of parliament. If the RN achieves an absolute majority in the French elections, President Macron would have to appoint a candidate from its ranks as the new prime minister.

The current Prime Minister in France is Gabriel Attal, who belongs to the same party as Macron: the Renaissance. The 28-year-old Jordan Bardella is running for Prime Minister for the right-wing populist Rassemblement National. The left-wing camp – the New Popular Front – is still undecided.

Macron would remain in office as president regardless of the outcome of the French elections unless he voluntarily resigns. However, without a majority in parliament, it would be much more difficult for him to push through his political agenda. (smu)



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