With the various bookmakers in France, it is impossible to bet on the National. And that's so much the better, in such an illegible championship, especially from the De Lattre stadium, the scene of an actor for whom no one would have dared to predict the leading roles. Aubagne is 6th halfway through, he has above all proven himself to be a teller of atypical stories, producer of an attractive game and distributor of surprises.
A scorer who reigns, but who shares
The first is the most obvious: two of its attackers occupy the thrones in the ranking of scorers and that of passers. Steven Nsimba already has ten pawns and Yassine Benhattab 9 assists but paradoxically, Aubagne is also the team which has the most different scorers within its squad. 12 men have already scored in the navy and gold jersey (even if three have left). If the recruit and the future of Nantes “get their dues“and return”iron“Maxence Flachez, the two arrows are expected to the point that certain formations are even starting to adapt to their presence… even if it means freeing up space for their teammates.
The age paradox
Aubagne is also an ode to youth, and not only that. Maxence Flachez is the coach who fields on average the youngest eleven in the championship (25 years old, according to FFF statistics), relying on an omnipresent local talent pool. “Our model is clearly to develop local young people and build around them by supporting them with a few experienced players.“, supports President Lionel Jeanningros. And among these, we find among others… the oldest player in the league! At 42, Lamine Djaballah was one of the architects of the rise last season (8 goals in 18 matches) and will be one of the men to count on until the summer after his four months of absence due to injury.
-An attack awakened with a start
After a slow start, Nsimba and others gallop with 24 goals scored, (3rd best attack), and the card of the season (7-2) at the red lantern Châteauroux, largest victory and match with the most goals . The series is brought to 12 over the last four matches, as many as over… the previous 13. And again, Aubagne lost two on the way by replaying the match against Nancy (4-0), the one that clicked. “There are the instructions from the coach who played a role in helping me more, especially in long games, but it was above all a question of confidence that changed that evening.“, underlined the pichichi.
If the last three outings, condensed over eight days, undoubtedly do not paint the panorama of the second part of the season in Provence, the blue and yellow people want to see more and, why not, be surprised again.