Today at 6:00 p.m. – by Léo Guguen
INTERVIEW. The two leading faces of the front page Gilles Bouleau and Isabelle Ithurburu return, for an evening on January 21, to all the significant events broadcast on TF1 since its creation in 1975. They spoke to TV Major Channels.
We don’t turn 50 every day! Created on January 6, 1975, La Une celebrates its fiftieth anniversary with great fanfare on Tuesday January 21 during an exceptional evening presented as a bonus by Isabelle Ithurburu and Gilles Bouleau. Together, they retrace, in images, the strong sequences broadcast on the channel during this half-century and also offer to revisit the first steps of animators like Nikos Aliagas or Arthur. They both do the cover of issue 543 of TV Major Channels on newsstands this Saturday January 11, 2025. Meeting.
Gilles Bouleau and Isabelle Ithurburu at the helm of a birthday bonus for the 50th anniversary of TF1: “OI’m going to get a little old!”
TV Major Channels : What will this birthday party look like?
Isabelle Ithurburu : We are going to look back at all the great moments told on TF1 over the last 50 years. I can tell you thatwe’re going to get a little old. [Elle rit.]
Gilles Bouleau: For me, it rejuvenated me because it was my childhood and my adolescence! A thousand memories came back to me: the Amoco Cadiz, the fall of the Berlin Wall, Emmanuel Petit’s goal in 1998…
What childhood memories do you have of TF1?
I. I. : With my parents and my older brother, we ate while watching the 8 p.m. Afterwards, we would settle down on the sofa to watch films or entertainment shows like Le Grand Bluff. My family very rarely switched to another channel.
G. B. : I got TV around 10-11 years old. The interactive aspect of La Une est à vous had a big impact on me. I found it extraordinary that by calling, we could have Mysteries of the West, Cosmos 1999…I almost wanted to pick up the phone.
Isabelle Ithurburu talks about her duo with Gilles Bouleau: “I wondered if I was going to be up to par.”
How was your duo formed?
G. B. : We met on May 8 during the special edition in Marseille for the arrival of the Olympic flame. And we had a blast! We are incredibly complementary and complicit. We started again on September 14 for the post-Olympic Games parade on the Champs-Élysées.
II: I wondered if I was going to be at the level pour hold more than ten hours of air time with someone who has been doing this several times a year for years. But Gilles welcomed me very kindly.
The entire interview can be found in issue 543 of TV Major Channels on newsstands this Saturday January 11, 2025.