In this first episode of The Island broadcast this Tuesday, January 7 on M6, a candidate emerges as leader of the group among the ten castaways: Julien Cohen. But some of his outings did not please all the participants, especially the women.
The Island returns this Tuesday, January 7 at 9:10 p.m. on M6. In this edition entitled Prison Islandthe castaways are left to fend for themselves on the island of Ko Tarutao, in the southwest of Thailand, a former lair of pirates and prisoners. This fifth season is made up of many changes. In animation, Mike Horn no longer holds the position: it is Loury Lag, a 38-year-old adventurer, who takes over the role. The concept has also changed a little. If during the first four editions, you only had to survive the hostile environment, this time, you will have to cross it to hope to leave it. Candidates have ten days to cover ten kilometers.
“I saw the annoyance that it caused in some people.” : Julien Cohen takes the role of leader in The Island and not everyone likes it
In this ordeal, some decide to take command from the start. This is the case of Julien Cohen, who was quick to take on this role. As soon as he arrived on the beach, he dispatched the missions. A behavior which did not go over with everyone, but which amused Patrick Puydebat: “I saw the annoyance that it caused in some people. I was at the show. It made me laugh“, confided the interpreter of Nicolas des Mysteries of love has Tele-Leisure. If the behavior could make one laugh in hindsight, certain remarks made by the antique dealer to women are more problematic. While Delphine Wespiser and Nathalie Marquay-Pernaut wanted to go get something to eat, he told them: “I think it's a bit risky to walk alone, two girls in the forest…“
“At first it is unbearable“ : Nathalie Marquay-Pernaut annoyed by Julien Cohen on the set of The Island
During an interview given to Tele-LeisureNathalie Marquay-Pernaut returned to the complicated start of cohabitation with Julien Cohen: “At the beginning, Julien is unbearable. Misogynistic like no other.“A situation which, however, did not last, and the former Miss France recognizes the importance of the ex-buyer ofDeal done : “And then, at the end, day after day, we all forget our ego, we listen to Julien and we say to ourselves: 'But he's right.'” A leadership position that the fifty-year-old took on his own and which he assumes. Will this create other tensions for the rest of the adventure? To be continued.