- Order of January 2, 2025 laying down specifications relating to the experimentation of the expansion of forms of integration through economic activity to self-employment and modification of the order of September 1, 2021 establishing the list of eligibility criteria for people on an integration path through economic activity and prescribers mentioned in article L. 5132-3 of the labor code.
A form of integration structure through economic activity (SIAE) created by the law of September 5, 2018 relating to the freedom to choose one's professional future, the integration enterprise through independent work (EITI) allows people without employment, encountering particular social and professional difficulties, to exercise a professional activity while benefiting from support.
For 3 years, the State has experimented with extending forms of integration through economic activity (IAE) to self-employment. The EITIs, which work in the field of integration through economic activity (IAE) have given an appropriate response (even if marginal and unsatisfactory on the question of job security and the guarantees of the employment contract) to certain populations far from employment by allowing them to get a foothold back into the job market or benefit from additional income.
Companies wishing to become EITI must belong to the field of the social and solidarity economy and be able to provide clients to independent workers in the integration process. In conjunction with the Federation of integration companies to move forward with their project.
THE ORDER OF JANUARY 2, 2025 : the specifications of article 1 of the decree of December 20, 2018 appear in the annex to the decree of January 2, 2025.
The duration of support giving rise to financial assistance is two years maximum following the signing of the contract between the integration company through independent work and the self-employed worker.
The local authority employment check was to be used to pay employees and simplify declarations and payments of contributions due to the general social security system, the unemployment insurance system as well as supplementary pension and provident institutionsaimed in particular at Town Halls which have few resources and administrative management structures and which occasionally need staff resources at reduced administration costs. To follow this new bill.
Find, before 9 a.m., for all days of publication of official publications, the main texts of the day's Olympic Games, which are of interest to the UNSA, Public/Private Sector, its federations and autonomous unions, branch and professional sector negotiators, union delegates, social and economic committees and all UNSA members.
But also, an “ecological transition” version of this same Official Journal with the texts of the day linked to the environment, biodiversity, the state of the climate…
Author, Legal Service Pole, UNSA National Legal Sector,
For any questions, [email protected]
“The complete” of the Official Journal,
Civil Service Newsletter, with the UNSA Civil Service
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