In his latest epidemiological bulletinpublished on January 2, 2025, Public Health France reported the “continuation of the strong increase of all flu indicators in town and in hospital in all age groups”. Indeed, the agency suggests that all regions of France are in the “epidemic” stage, just like Martinique, while Guadeloupe and Guyana are in the “pre-epidemic”. Among the most affected populations, Public Health France points the finger children under 15 years old.
An epidemiologist explains why the flu epidemic seems more intense this season
“Compared to the five previous epidemics, the level of intensity at the hospital increased this week from moderate to high for all ages combined and to a very high level among those under 15 years old.”, also announced Public Health France in its bulletin at the beginning of January. Why does the flu epidemic seem more “severe” this year? According to epidemiologist Yves Buisson, interviewed by TF1 Infothis intensity of the flu can be due to several factors. In particular, it highlights a decline in vaccination against the flu of people at risk: “last year, if 54% of people eligible for the free vaccine for people at risk had actually been vaccinated, the coverage rate is even weaker this season”.
But the expert also explains that if viruses normally mutate very little from one year to another, the flu has changed a lot this season. “Those under 15 are therefore significantly more affected than in previous years, because they have never encountered viruses close to those currently circulating.”, he explains. He completes that le virus A(H1N1) is particularly circulating this year and is known to affect young people more.
Flu epidemic: how to protect yourself?
If each year, there are on average between 9,000 and 10,000 deaths due to the flu, the expert suggests that mortality due to the epidemic could exceed this level this season, if the trend does not reverse.
How to avoid catching the flu this winter? The Health Insurance website points out that vaccination is the most effective way to protect the most vulnerable populations and to reduce the number of deaths. The vaccine is 100% supported by Health Insurance for people at risk, upon presentation of the care voucher. For people over 18 years of age not affected by the recommendations, it is also possible to be vaccinated against the flu, at their own expense.
In addition to vaccination, Health Insurance reiterates the importance barrier gestures to prevent the flu. In particular, it recommends:
- wash your hands regularly,
- use single-use tissues before throwing them away,
- cough or sneeze into your elbow,
- do not bring your hands to your face,
- wear a mask,
- avoid shaking hands or kissing others,
- keep your distance from those around you,
- ventilate the rooms frequently.
Sources :
- Acute respiratory infections (flu, bronchiolitis, COVID-19). Bulletin of January 2, 2025 – Public Health France
- “We risk exceeding 10,000 deaths”: why the flu is particularly severe this year – TF1 Info – January 3, 2025
- Flu vaccination in practice –
- Preventing the flu: understanding vaccination and barrier gestures –