Like every year, the amount of Family Allowances has just been revised in order to correspond to the average change in consumer prices. Two funds pay family allowances based on the parents' profession: the Family Allowance Fund (CAF) and the Mutualité sociale agricole (MSA).
The income taken into account for family allowances is categorical net income. What is this ? This is the income corresponding to all salaries, land and movable income, agricultural profits, from which alimony, care costs for the elderly and tax reductions are withdrawn.
– Tranche 1: the resource ceiling is 74,966 euros for 2 dependent children, 81,212 euros for 3 dependent children, 87,458 euros for 4 dependent childrenthen 6,246 euros per child in addition.
– Tranche 2 and tranche 3: the resource ceiling is 99,922 euros for 2 dependent children, 106,168 euros for 3 dependent children, 112,414 euros for 4 dependent children, then 6,246 euros per child in addition.
This amount is in effect until March 31, 2025. It differs depending on the bracket.
-– Band 1: the amount of family allowances is 148.52 euros for 2 dependent children, 338.80 euros for 3 dependent children, and 190.29 euros per additional child. The amount is increased by 74.26 euros for families who have a child aged 14 and over.
– Band 2: the amount of family allowances is 74.26 euros for 2 dependent children, 169.40 euros for 3 dependent children, then 95.15 euros per additional child. The increase for families with a child aged 14 and over is 37.14 euros.
– Band 3: the amount of family allowances is 37.14 euros for 2 dependent children, 84.71 euros for 3 dependent children, then 47.58 euros per additional child. For families with a child aged 14 and over, the increase is 18.57 euros.