By Natacha Tatu
Published on
January 2, 2025 at 12:12 p.m.updated on
January 3, 2025 at 12:13 p.m.
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Reading time: 7 min.
They were teenagers at the time of the attack. As adults, many of them have distanced themselves from values now considered “reactive”.
To go further
At the time of the attacks, they were still children. Around a hundred high school students, from fourteen establishments in the Grand Est region and from all social backgrounds, were given carte blanche to design a special “Charlie” number. In the editor-in-chief, the cartoonist Riss, survivor of the terrorist attack of January 7, 2015 against the satirical weekly. Together, they discussed how best to celebrate freedom of expression, selected topics and how to address them. “They have appropriated the spirit of irreverence, sometimes even having to slow them down”notes Thierry Hory, president of the region's Sport and Youth commission, upon discovering the model, a few days before printing.
In the contents of the newspaper, which will be unveiled on the day commemorating the attack, caricatures of Benyamin Netanyahu, Emmanuel Macron and Aya Nakamura, articles on ecoanxiety, Gaza, feminicides, pedophilia, school bullying …But not from Mohammed, nor from Jesus. Religions are not made fun of and the question of secularism is reduced to the bare minimum, in the form of a “crossed gaze” between two editorial apprentices…