While he will be back at the presentation of the bigdil on RMC Story in 2025, Vincent Lagaf' was the guest of the show Legendpresented by Guillaume Pley Wednesday December 25, 2024 on YouTube. During this program, the former emblematic face of TF1 was notably questioned about his biological mother, who abandoned him at birth. Vincent Lagaf' then confided in their very complicated reunion years later. “It's my biggest sorrow, my biggest cry“, he first explained, before remembering this very painful moment for him. “I come across a little bearded gentleman and I tell him : 'Hello, I'm looking for Mrs. So-and-so, is it here?', and at that moment, I see her coming out of her house. I said to her: 'Are you Lucienne?', she said to me 'Yes', I said to her: 'Can I speak to you?', she replied: 'No sir I want you to leave my house!'. And I said to him: 'But you don't know who I am', I forget that I am Lagaf“, he first related. If Vincent Lagaf's biological mother was also suspicious, it was in fact because she had been contacted several times by the production of the show It's only the truth that counts, who wanted him to meet her two other children, also abandoned.
Vincent Lagaf': “I am not a child of love, but a child who has been loved”
“I don't understand and I don't know everything that happened. I got back into the car and there I cried, I didn't know a man could cry like that. Nathalie [sa compagne, ndlr] asks me: 'What's wrong?', I say to him: 'I just got abandoned a second time by the same person, I'm shit…'“, then added Vincent Lagaf'. Finally, it is thanks to his partner that the host will finally be able to speak with his biological mother, by persuading him to call her immediately. “I call, luckily, she picks up. I tell him: 'Madame, you have just sent me away, don't hang up, I was born on October 30, 1959 and my name was Franck'. She says to me: 'Oh my God, I knew one day I would see you again'“, explained the presenter of the bigdil. In the end, mother and son were finally able to meet in a public place to talk peacefully. “She asked me never to say who she was while she was alive. I was the first child she had and she had two more children after that.whom she called Franck. I am not a child of love, but a child who has been loved. She realized that she didn't have the means and the best future she could give me was for me to be adopted by a family who had the means to adopt me.“, Vincent Lagaf finally concluded.