TJAL revolutionizes payment of court permits with Pix via BRB Jus

TJAL revolutionizes payment of court permits with Pix via BRB Jus
TJAL revolutionizes payment of court permits with Pix via BRB Jus

TJAL implements BRB Jus with Pix for faster and more efficient court payments in Alagoas

The Court of Justice of Alagoas (TJAL) marked a historic moment by carrying out, last Wednesday (11), the first payment of judicial permits using the system BRB youvia Pix. From December 16th, all judicial units in the state will adopt the new feature, promising greater efficiency and security to those under jurisdiction.

Agility and Innovation in the Judiciary

The first permit, issued by the 2nd Special Public Finance Courtled by judge Nathálya Fernandes, highlighted the relevance of the advance:
“The new system simplifies the server’s work and guarantees agility in the receipt of amounts by the jurisdiction, with direct transfer via Pix.”

Previously, the transfer deadline was up to 72 hours. Now, the process takes place immediately after the magistrate's signature, thanks to the modernity and efficiency of the system.

Transparency and Benefits

With the replacement of Banco do Brasil by Bank of Brasilia (BRB) In the management of judicial deposits, court orders and sureties, the TJAL adopts an electronic system that also facilitates the control of judicial processes.
Judge Rafael Casado reinforced the importance of the gain for citizens and the legal profession:
“This innovation meets a great desire, as it speeds up the progress of processes and the receipt of values.”

Training and Adaptation

Servers will participate in training next Monday (16), at 9am, broadcast via Intrajus, to ensure full mastery of the tool.

With the BRB youTJAL reaffirms its commitment to modernization, efficiency and excellence in serving the population of Alagoas.



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