Air pollution in Asia: IRD trains AFD agents

Air pollution in Asia: IRD trains AFD agents
Air pollution in Asia: IRD trains AFD agents

In the premises of the AFD Regional Directorate in Bangkok, the speakers explored various aspects of air pollution in Asia in order to offer AFD agents (in person and by videoconference) a better understanding of the challenges in this matter, as well as the knowledge and tools necessary to carry out effective actions in this area.

Using scientific elements, particularly chemical ones, and case studies on cities in South-East Asia – where the IRD carries out research on urban, rural, industrial and energy emissions – agents of AFD and IRD were able to discuss the sources of pollution, its health impact and the regulatory framework around air pollution in Asia and its evolution in Europe.

The participants were also able to discuss theevaluation of certain measures implemented or possible in the South Asian context to improve air quality. In particular, they discussed the links between air pollution and climate change, taking into account the social and political specificities of the region: undervaluation of emissions in the transport sector, importance of cultural factors in the fight against pollution. etc.



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