2024 legislative elections in Tarn-et-Garonne: “I was told a lot about purchasing power and health”, Valérie Rabault on the ground until the last hour of the campaign

2024 legislative elections in Tarn-et-Garonne: “I was told a lot about purchasing power and health”, Valérie Rabault on the ground until the last hour of the campaign
2024 legislative elections in Tarn-et-Garonne: “I was told a lot about purchasing power and health”, Valérie Rabault on the ground until the last hour of the campaign

the essential
The PS and New Popular Front candidate has favored public meetings and door-to-door canvassing in the 63 municipalities of the 1st constituency of Tarn-et-Garonne, where she is the outgoing MP. Valérie Rabault is putting her mandate back on the line this Sunday, June 30, 2024 for the first round of early legislative elections.

It is on the town hall square in Puylaroque (Tarn-et-Garonne) that Valérie Rabault finished a 1st marathon round campaign, this Friday, June 28. “She covered the 63 municipalities in her circle like the jobard that she is,” confides, admiringly, her campaign director Dominique Sardeing-Rodriguez, whose outspokenness we know.

“I’m missing 7 in which the mayor was not available or that I was unable to reach,” the person concerned corrects. “My campaign was only fieldwork, seeing people.” If, for Valérie Rabault, last Monday’s meeting in Nègrepelisse, “in front of more than 500 people, almost 600 I think”, where Raphaël Glucksmann came to show her support, was a great moment, the outgoing MP says she drew “a lot of energy from all these public meetings and we had people in the small towns.”

Read also :
2024 legislative elections in Tarn-et-Garonne: 500 people at a meeting in support of Valérie Rabault and in the presence of Raphaël Glucksmann

Meetings, less formal than public meetings, which allowed him to interact directly with the inhabitants. “We sat under the trees, on the benches of the town halls, or as in Auty under the kiosk. I saw new people and, if I compare to my previous campaigns, I noticed that I was asked a lot more questions.”

One of the questions that came up most often: “What will be the government of France on July 7?” “We feel that the people of Tarn-et-Garonne are worried because of the political instability.”
The consistency and rigor in political action which are Valérie Rabault’s trademark are enough to reassure the inhabitants of the 1st district.

The candidate endorsed by the PS and the New Popular Front said it again and again in this campaign: “The priority is to restore purchasing power. The other priority is health, improving access to medications and ensure that everyone can have a doctor near them.” Sunday evening, Valérie Rabault will be in Montauban to wait for the results, calmly.



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