Stassin falls but the referee does not whistle (0-0, 22')
Lucas Stassin falls in the area but Mr. Wattellier does not whistle!
Diarra misses (0-0.19')!
Well launched in depth, the Strasbourg player crosses at ground level but it is countered by a Stéphanois!
Davitashvili hits wide (0-0, 15')
After a mix-up, the Stéphanois Davitashvili strikes but does not target his shot.
Stassin goes deep but offside (0-0.12')
Well launched by a teammate, Lucas Stassin goes deep, crosses but is flagged offside!
Santos header wide (0-0, 5')
On a free kick hit from right to left, Strasbourg Santos takes the lead but it's wide.
A balanced start to the match (0-0, 4')
The two teams measure each other, which gives a balanced start to the match.
Here we go!
Let's go to the Stade Geoffroy-Guichard between Saint-Etienne and Strasbourg!
The players enter the pitch
The 22 actors enter the lawn of the Geoffroy-Guichard stadium.
Two different objectives
While Saint-Etienne hopes to move away from the red zone one week before the derby, Strasbourg hopes to get closer to European places before hosting Monaco.
The Strasbourg XI
Liam Rosenior makes no changes compared to the eleven which won against Nantes (3-1) last week.
The Stéphanois XI
Olivier Dall'Oglio makes two changes compared to his eleven from last week
Good evening everyone
Hello everyone and welcome to the live stream of the match between AS Saint-Etienne and RC Strasbourg.